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U.S. Supreme Court Attorney Tom Goldstein Arrested for Failure to Disclose 8 million Dollar Crypto Assets

Well-known U.S. Supreme Court lawyer Tom Goldstein has been re-arrested for failing to disclose the crypto wallets he controls. Prosecutors accused him of concealing $8 million in crypto transactions and transferring over $6 million in crypto assets in the past five days, finding it a serious absconding risk. Federal court documents in Maryland show that Goldstein violated bail conditions and provided misinformation to the court. Prosecutors asked for his bail eligibility to be revoked and argued that his actions posed a potential social threat. Goldstein was indicted in January for tax evasion, accusing him of failing to declare millions of dollars in poker winnings and misappropriating law firm funds to pay gambling debts. He is suspected of maliciously evading paying $5.30 million in taxes. At present, the case is still under further trial.