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Saturday's important news summary

< br > < b > Domestic News: < br > < span class = "section-news" > 1. The "Rare Earth Management Regulations" were released and came into effect on October 1. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 2. An Internet celebrity real estate project in Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base started selling well over 10 billion yuan. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 3. The average daily transaction volume rose by 30% month-on-month, and the Guangzhou real estate market ushered in a wave of recovery. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 4. Oriental Selection denied being accused of requesting and charging pit fees for publicity. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 5. The 2024 summer box office broke 2 billion yuan. < br > < b > International news: < br > < span class = "section-news" > 1. No candidate has won more than half of the votes, and Iran's presidential election will enter the second round of voting. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 2. Korean media: South Korean parliamentary petition website to impeach President Yoon Seok-yeol The petition has been signed by 500,000. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 3. Canadian lawmakers call on Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau to step down. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 4. World Meteorological Organization: Extreme weather and climate events have become the new normal. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 5. Attack on police in front of the Israeli embassy in Serbia, attacker killed.