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ZachXBT: DMM Bitcoin hack incident was washed to Huione Guarantee has exceeded $35 million

ZachXBT, a detective on the chain, said in a post that as of July 2024, more than 35 million dollars of the 305 million dollars of losses caused by the DMM Bitcoin hack have been laundered to the online market Huione Guarantee. Due to the similarity of money laundering technology and off-chain indicators, it is suspected that the Lazarus Group is behind the hack. Over the weekend, Tether blacklisted a wallet address (TNVaKWQzau7xL9bcnvLmF9KSEQkWEs4Ug8) associated with Huione on Tron, with 29.60 million dollars in the wallet. Within 3 days, the DMM Bitcoin hack caused about 14 million dollars to flow into the wallet. The money laundering path of funds transferred to Huione Guarantee after the DMM Bitcoin hack can be summarized as follows: 1) Deposit the BTC generated by the hacking attack into the mixer. 2) Extract BTC from the mixer. 3) Transfer funds from Bitcoin to Ethereum or Avalanche through THORChain, Threshold, and Avalanche bridges. 4) Exchange USDT and bridge to Tron via SWFT. 5) Transfer USDT to Huione.