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Vitalik Buterin: Oppose political voting choices based on "support for crypto"

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote that he opposes making political voting choices based on "support for crypto". Support a politician because of their entire platform and opinions, not just because they support cryptocurrencies. In the article, Vitalik writes that the crypto space is increasingly politically active and supports parties and candidates almost exclusively on the basis of whether they are willing to be tolerant and friendly towards cryptocurrencies. But decisions made in this way are very likely to go against the values that brought you into the crypto space in the first place. In the crypto space, people tend to tend to focus excessively on the centrality of money and the freedom to hold and spend money (which can also be tokens). Bitcoin is seen as an extension of the liberal spirit in the internet payments space. Vitalik believes that freedom is important, and decentralized networks are good at protecting freedom, and money is an important area where such networks can be applied - but it is only one of several important areas. And being crypto-friendly now does not mean it will still be crypto-friendly five years from now.