The total market value of stablecoins has declined by 0.33% in the past week.
According to DefiLlama data, the total market value of stablecoins has declined by 0 33% in the past week, and it is now reported at $164 02 b
According to DefiLlama data, the total market value of stablecoins has declined by 0 33% in the past week, and it is now reported at $164 02 b
다우지수가 1 14%, 나스닥이 1 47%, S&P 500이 1 15%, 인기 기술주가 대체로 상승했고, 엔비디아와 테슬라가 4% 이상 오르는 등 미국 3대 주가지수가 일제히 마감했다
The three major U S stock indexes collectively closed up, with the Dow up 1 14%, the Nasdaq up 1 47%, the S & P 500 up 1 15%, popular technology stocks generally rose, and NVIDIA and Tesla rose more than 4%
미국 2년 만기 재무부 수익률은 3 903%로 10 베이시스 포인트 하락했습니다
US two-year Treasury yields fell 10 basis points to 3 903 per cent
The three major US stock indexes collectively closed down, with the Dow falling 0 43%, the Nasdaq falling 1 67%, the S & P 500 index falling 0
The three major US stock indexes collectively closed down, with the Dow falling 0 43%, the Nasdaq falling 1 67%, the S & P 500 index falling 0
다우지수가 0 13%, 나스닥이 0 57%, S&P 500이 0 42%, 대부분의 대형 기술주가 오르는 등 미국 3대 주가지수가 일제히 장을 마쳤다 메타는 1% 이상, 테슬
The three major U S stock indexes collectively closed up, with the Dow up 0 13%, the Nasdaq up 0 57%, the S & P 500 up 0 42%, and most large technology stocks rose Meta rose more than 1%, Tesla and Nvidia rose nearly 1%, and Google fell nearly 1%
Meme Coin에서 McDonald의 Instagram 계정이 삭제되었습니다 앞서 맥도날드 인스타그램 계정이 도난당한 혐의를 받고 밈 토큰 GRIMACE를 공개한 것으로 알려
McDonald& 039;s Instagram account has been deleted from Meme Coin Previously, it was reported that McDonald& 039;s Instagram account was suspected of being
미국 3대 주가지수는 다우지수가 0 15%, 나스닥지수가 0 33%, S&P 500지수가 0 2% 하락하는 등 일제히 하락세를 보였다 엔비디아가 2% 이상, 메타와 테슬라
The three major U S stock indexes collectively closed down, with the Dow down 0 15%, the Nasdaq down 0 33%, and the S & P 500 down 0 2% Lar
바이낸스 런치풀 개(도그)
Binance Launchpool Dogs (DOGS)
Google(GOOG O)은 Gmail이 보고한 문제가 해결되었다고 말했습니다 이전에 구글은 Gmail의 문제에 대한 보고서를 조사하고 있다고 말했습니다
Google (GOOG O) said the issue reported by Gmail has been resolved Previously, Google said it was investigating reports of problems with Gmail
미국 주식은 상승세를 이어갔고 나스닥은 상승률을 1%까지 확대했습니다
US stocks continued their gains, with the Nasdaq expanding its gains to 1%
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the giant whale 0x692 B42F6 seems to be long WBTC He added 124 WBTC worth $7 37 milli