Uniswap 프런트 엔드 거래 수수료가 1억 7,600만 달러를 초과했습니다.
DefiLama 데이터에 따르면 3월 22일 현재 Uniswap 프런트 엔드 거래 수수료(수익)는 1억 7,639만 달러에 달합니다
DefiLama 데이터에 따르면 3월 22일 현재 Uniswap 프런트 엔드 거래 수수료(수익)는 1억 7,639만 달러에 달합니다
According to DefiLlama data, as of March 22, Uniswap front-end transaction fees (revenue) reached $176 39 million
파사이드 모니터링 자료에 따르면 이번 주 미국 이더리움 스팟 ETF의 누적 순유출액은 1억290만 달러, 5거래일은 모두 자금 순유출이었다
According to Farside monitoring data, the cumulative net outflow of Ethereum spot ETF in the United States this week was 102 90 million dollars, and the five trading days were all net outflows of funds
On March 22nd, according to DeFiLlama data, BNB Chain (BSC) TVL broke through 7 billion US dollars and is now reported at 7 06 billion US doll
<p><b>BNB Chain TVL 突破 70 亿美元大关,DeFi 生态持续繁荣< b>< p> <p>3月22日最新数据显示,BNB Chain(BSC)总锁仓价值(TVL)创下历史新高,突破70亿美元大关,达到7
On March 22nd, according to DeFiLlama data, BNB Chain (BSC) TVL broke through 7 billion US dollars and is now reported at 7 06 billion US doll
<p><b>纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Riot Platforms宣布重大资产收购计划< b>< p> <p>纳斯达克上市公司Riot Platforms, Inc (股票代码:RIOT)近日宣布,其全资子公司Whinstone US,
메이투안(03690 HK): 4분기 매출 884억9000만 위안, 예상 순이익 879억3000만 위안, 조정 순이익 98억5000만 위안, 추정 99억1000만 위안
Meituan (03690 HK): Fourth quarter revenue 88 49 billion yuan, estimated 87 93 billion yuan; adjusted net profit 9 85 billion yuan, estimated 9 91 billion yuan
Trader T 모니터링에 따르면 미국 현물 비트코인 ETF는 어제 1억 6,579만 달러의 순유입을 기록했습니다
According to Trader T monitoring, the US spot bitcoin ETF had a net inflow of 165 79 million dollars yesterday
The world& 039;s largest gold ETF--SPDR Gold Trust position increased by 1 15 tons from the previous day, and the current position is 910 43 tons <
The world& 039;s largest gold ETF--SPDR Gold Trust position increased by 1 15 tons from the previous day, and the current position is 910 43 tons <
<p>全球最大黄金ETF--SPDR Gold Trust持仓量最新数据显示,较上一交易日增加1 15吨,当前持仓总量达到910 43吨,创下近三个月来新高。这一增长反映了市场对黄金避险需求的持续升
On March 20, the US cryptocurrency concept stocks turned from rising to falling, among which: · Coinbase fell 1 19%; · Strategy fell 1 72%; · Riot Platforms fell 0 39%; · MARA Holdings fell 1 36%
Coinglass 데이터에 따르면 지난 12시간 동안 전체 네트워크가 1억 1,200만 달러를 청산했으며 그 중 여러 싱글이 6465만 5천 달러를 청산했으며 빈 싱글은 4782만 3천 달러를 청산했습니다
On March 20, the US cryptocurrency concept stocks turned from rising to falling, among which: · Coinbase fell 1 19%; · Strategy fell 1 72%; · Riot Platforms fell 0 39%; · MARA Holdings fell 1 36%
According to Coinglass data, in the past 12 hours, the whole network liquidated 112 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 64 6505 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 47 8232 million US dollars
항셍지수는 장 초반 1% 하락했고 항셍기술지수는 1 47% 하락했으며 바이두(09888 HK)는 4% 가까이 하락했고 알리바바(09988 HK), 차이나핑안(02318 HK), 샤오미그