컴벌랜드 주소 전송 12,000 ETH
Whale Alert 모니터링에 따르면 Cumberland 주소는 오늘 22시 18분경에 약 41,376,444 달러의 가치가 있는 12,000 ETH를 전송했습니다
Whale Alert 모니터링에 따르면 Cumberland 주소는 오늘 22시 18분경에 약 41,376,444 달러의 가치가 있는 12,000 ETH를 전송했습니다
According to Whale Alert monitoring, the Cumberland address transferred 12,000 ETH at around 22:18 today, worth about $41,376,444
7月22日消息,自18日IoTeX 2 0白皮书暨DePIN模块化平台战略发布以来,IOTX一度突破0 055美元,3日内涨幅超20%,距15日内低点涨幅超60%。Binance发布公告将支持其网络升级和硬分叉
2024년 7월 18일 중국공산당 제20기 중앙위원회 제3차 전체회의는 중국공산당 중앙위원회의 개혁을 더욱 포괄적으로 심화시키고 중국의 근대화 경로를 촉진하
On July 18, 2024, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the decision of the Central
According to official data, in the seven days ended July 18, Circle issued about 2 1 billion USDC, redeemed about 2 3 billion USDC, and increase
According to official data, in the seven days ended July 18, Circle issued about 2 1 billion USDC, redeemed about 2 3 billion USDC, and increase
According to official data, in the seven days ended July 18, Circle issued about 2 1 billion USDC, redeemed about 2 3 billion USDC, and increase
According to official data, in the seven days ended July 18, Circle issued about 2 1 billion USDC, redeemed about 2 3 billion USDC, and increase
According to official data, as of July 18, Circle has issued about $2 10 billion USDC in the past seven days, redeemed about $2 30 billion USDC
DefiLama 데이터에 따르면 7월 18일 현재 Uniswap 프런트 엔드 거래 수수료는 5,000만 달러를 초과했으며 현재 5048만 달러입니다
According to official data, as of July 18, Circle has issued about $2 10 billion USDC in the past seven days, redeemed about $2 30 billion USDC
According to DefiLlama data, as of July 18, Uniswap front-end transaction fees exceeded $50 million and are currently $50 48 million
현지시간 18일 저녁과 오늘(19일) 오전 도널드 트럼프 전 미국 대통령이 공화당 대선후보 지명 수락을 공식 발표했다 앞서 트럼프 전 미국 대통령은 지난
On the evening of July 18 local time and the morning of Beijing time today (July 19), former US President Donald Trump officially announced his
공식 데이터에 따르면 7월 18일 현재 호주의 모노크롬 스팟 비트코인 ETF는 91 BTC를 보유하고 있으며 AUM은 약 879만 달러입니다
According to official data, as of July 18, the Monochrome Spot Bitcoin ETF in Australia held 91 BTC, with an AUM of about $8 79 million
어제(7월 18일) 미국 현물 비트코인 ETF 데이터에 따르면 IBIT는 어제 1억 340만 달러의 순유입을 기록했습니다 이전에 보고된 바에 따르면 GBTC 자금의
The US spot bitcoin ETF data yesterday (July 18) showed that IBIT had a net inflow of $103 40 million yesterday Previously reported, GBTC net outflow of funds 22 50 million US dollars; BITB, EZBC no inflow or outflow of funds
US President Biden& 039;s doctor said in a letter on July 18 local time that Biden still has mild symptoms related to COVID-19, and he will continu