• 34ºc, Sunny

ORDI breaks through $30

The market shows that ORDI broke through $30 and is now reported at $30 01, an increase of 6 91% during the day The market fluctuates greatly Please do a good job in risk control


行情显示,ORDI突破30美元,现报30 01美元,日内涨幅达到6 91%,行情波动较大,请做好风险控制。

OKX推出提币地址簿 30 天验证功能

据官方公告,OKX现已推出地址簿地址 30 天免验证功能。验证地址簿内的地址时,用户可以将验证有效期设置为 30 天或永久有效。当前,用户可于OKX网页端及 App 端 (6 75 及