06 March Qiankun, UBS, Morgan 3 외국 선물 회사의 위치 데이터를 매일 요약합니다. 오늘날 콩밥 황소는 보유량을 37,000명 이상 줄였 Qiankun, UBS, Morgan 3 외국 선물 회사의 매일 위치 데이터 요약 오늘날 콩밥 황소는 보유량을 37,000명 이상 줄였고, 반바지는 보유량을 800명 이상
06 March Daily summary of Qiankun, UBS, Morgan three foreign futures companies' position data. Today, soybean meal bulls reduced their holdings by more than 37,000 hands, shorts reduced their holdings by more than 800 hands, and the overall capital side was bearis Daily summary of the position data of Qiankun, UBS, Morgan three foreign futures companies Today, soybean meal bulls reduced their holdings by m
06 March 每日汇总乾坤、瑞银、摩根三家外资期货公司的持仓数据。今日豆粕多头减持超37000手,空头减持超800手,整体资金面偏空......一图查看。 <p><b>外资期货持仓数据每日追踪:豆粕市场资金面偏空信号显现< b>< p> <p>今日重点关注乾坤、瑞银、摩根三大外资期货公司持仓数据变化。数据显示,豆粕市场出现显著资金异动:< p