Ceffu Deposits 2,025 BTC to Binance, Approximately $207 million
According to Whale Alert monitoring, at around 18:44 Beijing time today, Binance institutional custody platform Ceffu deposited 2025 BTC into Binance, equivalent to about $207 million
According to Whale Alert monitoring, at around 18:44 Beijing time today, Binance institutional custody platform Ceffu deposited 2025 BTC into Binance, equivalent to about $207 million
CoinGecko 자료에 따르면 한국 거래소 Upbit은 ME에서 10 44달러, 한국 거래소 Coinone은 ME에서 7 99달러, Binance는 ME에서 6 41달러, 체인은 ME에서 9 16달러를 보고했습니다
According to CoinGecko data, the Korean exchange Upbit reported $10 44 in ME, the Korean exchange Coinone reported $7 99 in ME, Binance reported $6 41 in ME, and the chain reported $9 16 in ME
시장에 따르면 ETH는 3,900달러를 돌파했으며 현재 $3900 44로 제시되었으며 24시간 하락은 0 43%입니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that ETH has broken through $3,900 and is now quoted at $3900 44, with a 24-hour decline of 0 43% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
현물 은은 이날 1 44% 하락한 온스당 30달러로 떨어졌다
Spot silver fell to $30 an ounce, down 1 44% on the day
According to Lookonchain, a whale released 44,959 SOL worth $10 50 million into Binance after the market fell
According to Lookonchain, a whale released 44,959 SOL worth $10 50 million into Binance after the market fell
Tradingview 데이터에 따르면 비트코인의 시장 점유율은 61 44%로 2021년 2월 이후 최고치를 경신했습니다
According to Tradingview data, Bitcoin s market share reached 61 44%, a new high since February 2021
金十期货11月18日讯,据国家发改委数据,截至11月13日,全国生猪出场价格为17 32元 公斤,较11月6日下跌2 42%;主要批发市场玉米价格为2 28元 公斤,较11月6日持平;猪粮比价为7 6
Trader T 모니터링에 따르면 현물 비트코인 ETF는 지난 주 16억 4400만 달러의 순유입을 보였으며 거래량은 290억 달러로 역사상 세 번째로 큰 단일 주
According to Trader T monitoring, the spot bitcoin ETF saw a net inflow of $1 644 billion last week, with a trading volume of $29 billion, the
Spot On Chain에 따르면 지난 3일 동안 Binance에 17억 5천만 USDT, Coinbase에 7억 7천만 USDT를 포함하여 약 34억 4천만 USDT가 다양한 거래소에 투입되었습니다
According to Spot On Chain, about 3 44 billion USDT has been injected into various exchanges in the past three days, including 1 75 billion USDT into Binance and 770 80 million USDT into Coinbase
프랑스의 10월 제조 PMI 최종 값은 44 5, 예상 값은 44 5, 이전 값은 44 5입니다 < b>
< b > France s October manufacturing PMI final value of 44 5, expected 44 5, and the previous value of 44 5 < b >
Arkham의 모니터링에 따르면 약 한 시간 전에 44 338 BTC가 Coinbase Prime 핫 지갑에서 약 281만 달러 상당의 회색 릴리스 비트코인 미니 트러스트로 이전되었습니다
According to Arkham s monitoring, about an hour ago, 44 338 BTC was transferred from the Coinbase Prime hot wallet to the grey release bitcoin mini trust, worth about $2 81 million