以太坊网络首次在 PoS 机制下提升区块 Gas 上限
以太坊网络在获得超过 50% 验证者支持后,首次在 PoS 机制下成功提升区块 Gas 上限。数据显示,Gas 上限已从此前的 3000 万突破至 3150 万,预计最终将调整至 3600
以太坊网络在获得超过 50% 验证者支持后,首次在 PoS 机制下成功提升区块 Gas 上限。数据显示,Gas 上限已从此前的 3000 万突破至 3150 万,预计最终将调整至 3600
미국 달러는 캐나다 달러 CAD에 대해 계속 하락하여 낮 동안 0 50% 하락했으며 현재는 1 4467에 거래되고 있습니다
The US dollar continued to decline against the Canadian dollar USD CAD, falling by 0 50% during the day and now trading at 1 4467
엔화 대비 달러 환율은 장중 0 50% 이상 하락했으며 현재 154 41달러에 거래되고 있습니다
The dollar against the yen USD JPY fell more than 0 50% during the day and is now trading at 154 41
Nasdaq-listed company Bitdeer officially announced that it has increased its holdings of 50 BTC (about $4 74 million) today, bringing the total amount of bitcoin holdings to 787 BTC as of 8:00 pm (Singapore time) on February 3, 2025
Nasdaq-listed company Bitdeer officially announced that it has increased its holdings of 50 BTC (about $4 74 million) today, bringing the total amount of bitcoin holdings to 787 BTC as of 8:00 pm (Singapore time) on February 3, 2025
According to Hypurrscan data, a giant whale that has attracted much attention in the market to short ETH with 50 times leverage has not yet made a profit when ETH fell to nearly $2100, and has now made a profit of about $48 40 million
According to Hypurrscan data, a giant whale that has attracted much attention in the market to short ETH with 50 times leverage has not yet made a profit when ETH fell to nearly $2100, and has now made a profit of about $48 40 million
ETH 가격이 떨어지면서 50배 레버리지로 ETH를 단락시킨 거대한 고래가 이제 5천만 달러를 돌파했습니다
With the price of ETH falling, a giant whale who shorted ETH with 50 times leverage has now surpassed $50 million
Lookonchain 모니터링에 따르면 ETH가 떨어지면서 ETH를 50배 레버리지로 줄인 고래가 현재 3,000만 달러 이상을 벌어들였습니다
According to Lookonchain monitoring, as ETH fell, a whale who shorted ETH with 50 times leverage has now gained more than $30 million
하이퍼스캔 모니터링에 따르면 고래는 지난 1월 50배 레버리지로 하이퍼리퀴드에 짧은 이더리움 자리를 열었고, 현재 약 1,652만 달러를 벌어들였다 이더리움
According to HypurrScan monitoring, a whale opened a short Ethereum position on Hyperliquid with 50 times leverage in January, and has now gained about $16 52 million If Ethereum rises to $4,646, its corresponding position will be liquidated
2월 2일 뉴스, Lookonchain 모니터링에 따르면 ETH 가격이 떨어지면서 50배 레버리지 ETH 거대 고래는 아직 1,680만 달러 이상의 수익을 실현하지 못했습니다
February 2nd news, according to Lookonchain monitoring, as the price of ETH fell, a 50 times leverage ETH giant whale has not yet realized profits of more than 16 80 million dollars
달러는 장중 캐나다 달러 CAD에 대해 0 50% 하락하여 1 4414에 거래되었습니다
The dollar fell 0 50% against the Canadian dollar USD CAD during the day, trading at 1 4414
Arkham 모니터링 데이터에 따르면 오늘 00시 50분경 트럼프 암호화 프로젝트 World 리버티 파이낸셜은 CoW 프로토콜을 통해 약 500만 달러에 달하는 1624 ETH의 보유량을 늘렸습니다