19 March AI 코드 검토 플랫폼 Graphite는 5,200만 달러의 시리즈 B 금융을 완료합니다. {#Anthropic이 지원하는 AI 코드 리뷰 플랫 Graphite, an AI code review platform backed by Anthropic, announced the completion of a $52 million Series B financing round led by Accel, with
19 March AI code review platform Graphite completes $52 million Series B financing Graphite, an AI code review platform backed by Anthropic, announced the completion of a $52 million Series B financing round led by Accel, with
19 March AI代码审查平台Graphite完成5200万美元B轮融资 <p><b>AI代码审查平台Graphite完成5200万美元B轮融资,加速AI开发工具创新< b>< p> <p>由Anthropic提供技术支持的AI代码审查平台Graphite近日宣布完成5200万美元B轮融资。本轮融
12 September 이 기관은 아르헨티나2024/25 연간 콩 생산량이 5,200만 톤에서 5,300만 톤 사이가 될 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.#} 골든텐 퓨처스 Golden Ten Futures, September 12, according to foreign media reports, the Rosario Grain Exchange said on Wednesday that Argentine farmers are more
12 September The agency expects Argentina 2024/25 annual soybean production to be between 5,200 and 53 million tons Golden Ten Futures, September 12, according to foreign media reports, the Rosario Grain Exchange said on Wednesday that Argentine farmers are more
12 September 机构预计阿根廷2024/25年度大豆产量在5200-5300万吨之间 金十期货9月12日讯,据外媒报道,罗萨里奥谷物交易所周三表示,阿根廷农民本年度更倾向于播种更多的大豆,因玉米种植受到干旱天气和病虫威胁的影响。预计阿根廷2024 25年度大豆种
14 August 거대한 고래가 바이낸스에서 5,200 ETH를 인출합니다. Scopescan 모니터링에 따르면 거대한 고래가 Binance에서 5,200 ETH(1420만 달러)를 인출했습니다 이전에 이 거대한 고래는 ETH를 2,330달러에 구입하여 2,440달러에 팔았습니다
14 August A giant whale withdraws 5,200 ETH from Binance. According to Scopescan monitoring, a giant whale withdrew 5,200 ETH ($14 20 million) from Binance Previously, the giant whale bought ETH at $2,330 and sold it at $2,440
12 July 인공지능 스타트업 불꽃놀이 AI가 세쿼이아캐피탈을 필두로 5200만 달러 규모의 자금조달을 완료했다. 7월 12일, 인공지능 스타트업 불꽃 AI는 세쿼이아 캐피탈이 주도하고 엔비디아, 어드밴스드 마이크로 디바이스 주식회사, 몽고DB 주식회사가 참여한 5,200만
12 July 人工智能初创公司Fireworks AI完成5200万美元融资,红杉资本领投 7月12日消息,人工智能初创公司Fireworks AI完成5200万美元融资,红杉资本领投,英伟达、Advanced Micro Devices Inc 和MongoDB Inc 等参投。该公司的融资总额已达到7700万美
12 July Artificial intelligence startup Fireworks AI completes $52 million financing, led by Sequoia Capital On July 12, artificial intelligence startup Fireworks AI completed a $52 million financing round, led by Sequoia Capital, and participated by Nvid