16 March Unpositioned squaring positions in TON futures contracts rose 62% to $162.74 mil According to Coinglass data, or influenced by the news that "Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been allowed to leave France", the unpositioned squ
16 March Unpositioned squaring positions in TON futures contracts rose 62% to $162.74 million According to Coinglass data, or influenced by the news that "Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been allowed to leave France", the unpositioned squ
16 March 全网TON期货合约未平仓头寸增长62%,现报1.6274亿美元 <p>据权威加密数据平台 <b>Coinglass< b> 最新数据显示,受"<b>Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 获准离开法国< b>"这一重大利好消息影响,<b>TON< b> 期货合约市场呈现显著增