달러 지수 DXY는 거의 30포인트 하락한 103.67을 기록했습니다.
달러 지수 DXY는 거의 30포인트 하락한 103 67을 기록했습니다
달러 지수 DXY는 거의 30포인트 하락한 103 67을 기록했습니다
The dollar index DXY fell nearly 30 points to 103 67
시장에 따르면 BTC는 98,000달러를 돌파했으며 현재 98005 67달러로 보고되었으며 24시간 상승률은 1 3%입니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that BTC has broken through $98,000 and is now reported at $98005 67, with a 24-hour increase of 1 3% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
2월 7일 Whale Alert에 따르면 24,962 ETH(67,965,455달러)가 알 수 없는 지갑에서 Binance로 전송되었습니다
On February 7, according to Whale Alert, 24,962 ETH ($67,965,455) was transferred from unknown wallets to Binance
현물 금은 낮 동안 0 67% 하락하여 온스당 2,780달러 아래로 떨어졌습니다
Spot gold fell 0 67% during the day, falling back below $2,780 an ounce
According to Lookonchain, a smart trader has a winning rate of 86 67% and a profit of $6 70 million $1 60 million on AVA (+ 9700%), $1 10 mil
According to Lookonchain, a smart trader has a winning rate of 86 67% and a profit of $6 70 million $1 60 million on AVA (+ 9700%), $1 10 mil
시장에 따르면 BTC는 93,000달러를 돌파했으며 현재 93,025 67달러로 제시되고 있습니다 24시간 하락폭이 2 34%로 좁혀졌습니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that BTC has broken through $93,000 and is now quoted at $93,025 67 The 24-hour decline has narrowed to 2 34% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
씨티는 1분기 WTI 원유 평균 가격 전망치를 2025년 배럴당 67달러로 상향 조정했고, 브렌트유 평균 가격 전망치를 배럴당 65달러에서 배럴당 71달러로 상향 조정했다
Citi raised its forecast for the average price of WTI crude oil in Quarter 1 to $67 barrel in 2025, and raised its forecast for the average price of Brent crude oil from $65 barrel to $71 barrel
시장에 따르면 ETH는 3,700달러를 돌파했으며 현재 3,700 67달러로 24시간 0 91% 상승했습니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 위험 통제를 잘 해주세요
The market shows that ETH has broken through $3,700 and is now quoted at $3,700 67, with a 24-hour increase of 0 91% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
According to Russia Today, 67 passengers and five crew members were on board the plane that crashed in Aktau, Kazakhstan
According to Russia Today, 67 passengers and five crew members were on board the plane that crashed in Aktau, Kazakhstan
시장에 따르면 BTC는 105,000달러를 돌파했으며 현재 $105,013 67로 24시간 2 26% 상승했습니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that BTC has broken through $105,000 and is now quoted at $105,013 67, with a 24-hour increase of 2 26% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control