07 July F2pool:比特币高于5.4万美元26 W/T或更低ASIC矿机方可盈利 本周比特币难度下调5%至79 5T,创下自3月份难度曾短暂跌破80T以来的最大降幅。F2pool分析认为,只有当比特币价格在5 4万美元或上方时,单位功率为26W T或更低的ASIC矿机才可以盈利
07 July F2pool: Bitcoin above $54,000 26 W/T or less for ASIC miners to be profitable This week, the difficulty of Bitcoin was lowered by 5% to 79 5T, the largest decrease since the difficulty briefly fell below 80T in March F2p
05 July 지난 1시간 동안 전체 네트워크가 7,833만 9천 달러 폭발했습니다. Coinglass 데이터는 지난 1시간 동안 전체 네트워크가 7,833만 9천 달러를 청산했고, 그 중 여러 싱글이 7,502만 4,000 달러를 청산했고, 빈 싱글은 331만
05 July 过去1小时全网爆仓7833.79万美元 Coinglass数据,过去1小时全网爆仓7833 79万美元,其中多单爆仓7502 44万美元,空单爆仓331 35万美元。比特币爆仓3010 71万美元,以太坊爆仓3628 06万美元。
05 July In the past 1 hour, the whole network exploded 78.3379 million dollars Coinglass data, in the past 1 hour the whole network liquidated 78 3379 million dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 75 0244 million dolla
06 June 비트코인 채굴 난이도가 83.72 T로 0.79% 감소 멤풀 자료에 따르면 비트코인의 채굴 난이도는 오늘 17시 4분(블록 높이 846720)에 조정되었으며 채굴 난이도는 83 72T로 0 79% 감소했습니다
06 June Bitcoin mining difficulty reduced by 0.79% to 83.72 T According to Mempool data, the mining difficulty of Bitcoin was adjusted at 17:04 today (block height 846720), and the mining difficulty was reduced by 0 79% to 83 72 T
06 June 두 고래는 총 797,000달러의 이익에 371,000 LINK와 541,000 UNI를 팔았습니다. Spot On Chain 모니터링에 따르면 지난 5시간 동안 두 마리의 고래(기관일 가능성이 있음)가 Binance를 통해 371,000 LINK(648만 달러)와 541,000 UNI(589만
06 June The two whales sold 371,000 LINK and 541,000 UNI for a total profit of $797,000 According to Spot On Chain monitoring, in the past 5 hours, two whales (possibly an institution) sold 371,000 LINK ($6 48 million) and 541,000 U