16 June In the past 24 hours, 5180.94 BTC has flowed into the exchange wallet Coinglass data shows that 5180 94 BTC flowed into exchange wallets in the past 24 hours, 2837 26 BTC flowed out of exchange wallets in the past
16 June 지난 24시간 동안 5180.94 BTC가 교환 지갑으로 유입되었습니다. 최근 자료에 따르면 최근 24시간 동안 교환지갑에 5180 94 BTC가, 지난 7일 동안 교환지갑에서 2837 26 BTC가, 지난 30일 동안 교환지갑에서 95627 61 BTC
16 June In the past 24 hours, 5180.94 BTC has flowed into the exchange wallet According to the latest data, 5180 94 BTC flowed into the exchange wallet in the past 24 hours, 2837 26 BTC flowed out of the exchange wallet