Abraxas Capital has repaid all Spark Protocol borrowings and raised 70,153 ETH
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Abraxas Capital MGMT has repaid all the loans of Spark Protocol in the past 19 hours and raised 70,153 ETH
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Abraxas Capital MGMT has repaid all the loans of Spark Protocol in the past 19 hours and raised 70,153 ETH
据ai_9684xtpa监测,过去19小时Abraxas Capital Mgmt已偿还Spark Protocol所有借款,并提出70153枚ETH,价值2 44亿美元。其中52200枚ETH已充值进 Bitfinex,钱包中仍剩余17957枚。
ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 Sun Yuchen은 9시간 전에 Just에서 2개의 주소를 통해 2천만 USDT를 상환한 후 모두 Bitfinex로 전송했습니다
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Sun Yuchen redeemed 20 million USDT from Justlend through two addresses nine hours ago, and then transferred them all to Bitfinex
ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 Abraxas Capital MGMT는 Spark에서 10,000 ETH를 다시 인출하여 Bitfinex에 입금했습니다 지난 한 시간 동안 42,000 ETH가
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Abraxas Capital MGMT has again withdrawn 10,000 ETH from Spark and deposited it into Bitfinex In the past h
据ai_9684xtpa监测,Abraxas Capital Mgmt再次从Spark中取出10000枚ETH并充值进Bitfinex。过去一小时已累计向交易所转移42000枚ETH,总价值1 46亿美元;目前他在Spark Protocol
ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 Abraxas Capital MGMT는 2분 전에 Spark Protogle에서 32,000 ETH(1억 1,100만 달러 상당)를 인출한 후 모두 재충전했습니다
据ai_9684xtpa监测,Abraxas Capital Mgmt两分钟前从Spark Protocol中取出32000枚ETH(价值1 11亿美元),随后全部充值进 Bitfinex。今天早上该机构还将15000枚ETH存入Spark作
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Abraxas Capital MGMT withdrew 32,000 ETH (worth $111 million) from Spark Protocol two minutes ago, and then r
ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 지난 4시간 동안 새 주소 0x6a5 5c9C0은 코인베이스에서 총 6,215 ETH를 이체했으며, 평균 이체 가격은 3,414달러입니다
据ai_9684xtpa监测,过去四小时新地址0x6a5 5c9C0已从Coinbase累计转出6215枚ETH,价值2121万美元,平均转出价格3414美元。
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, in the past four hours, the new address 0x6a5 5c9C0 has transferred a total of 6,215 ETH from Coinbase, worth $21 21 million, with an average transfer price of $3,414
ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 자이언트 고래 0x96E는 지난 17시간 동안 Renzo로부터 1986 ezETH(668만 달러 상당)를 상환하여 6시간 전에 Binance로 이전했
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, Giant Whale 0x96E has redeemed 1986 ezETH (worth $6 68 million) from Renzo in the past 17 hours and transfer
据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,巨鲸 0x96E 过去 17 小时累计从 Renzo 赎回 1986 枚 ezETH(价值 668 万美元)并于 6 小时前转入 Binance。目前他在 Renzo 中还质押着 3477 枚 ETH 等待赎回,价值 1179 万美元。
체인 분석가 @ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 주소 0x06b는 2시간 전에 379만 달러 상당의 339억 PEPE를 삭제했습니다 판매된 모든 제품이 194,000달러를
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, address 0x06b cleared 339 billion PEPE two hours ago, worth 3 79 million US dollars, if a
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,地址0x06b于两小时前清仓了3390亿枚PEPE,价值379万美元,若全部卖出将亏损19 4万美元。他在6月25日PEPE回调期间以0 00001192美元的成本建仓,过去