BTC breaks through $104,000
The market shows that BTC has broken through $104,000 and is now reported at $104,069 97, with a 24-hour increase of 6 26% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
The market shows that BTC has broken through $104,000 and is now reported at $104,069 97, with a 24-hour increase of 6 26% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
다우지수가 0 97%, 나스닥지수가 1 33%, S&P 500지수가 1 09% 하락하는 등 미국 3대 주가지수가 일제히 하락세로 장을 마쳤다
The three major U S stock indexes collectively opened lower, with the Dow falling 0 97%, the Nasdaq falling 1 33%, and the S & P 500 falling 1 09%
시장에 따르면 BTC는 98,000달러를 돌파했으며 현재 $98,012 97로 보고되었으며 24시간 상승률은 4 89%입니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that BTC has broken through $98,000 and is now reported at $98,012 97, with a 24-hour increase of 4 89% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
시장에 따르면 BTC는 $106,000를 돌파했으며 현재 $106005 97로 제시되었으며 24시간 하락은 0 32%입니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that BTC has broken through $106,000 and is now quoted at $106005 97, with a 24-hour decline of 0 32% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
11월 뉴욕 연방준비제도이사회(FRB)의 1년 물가상승률 전망치는 2 97%로 기존 2 87%와 비교됩니다
In November, the New York Federal Reserve s one-year inflation forecast was 2 97%, compared with 2 87% previously
시장에 따르면 FTT는 단기간에 4달러를 돌파했으며 현재 3 97달러로 보고되고 있습니다 24시간 증가율은 44 6%에 달했습니다 시장이 크게 변동합니다 위험 통제를 잘 해주세요
The market shows that FTT broke through $4 in a short time, and is now reported at $3 97 The 24-hour increase reached 44 6% The market fluctuates greatly Please do a good job in risk control
시장에 따르면 BTC는 $99,500를 돌파했으며 현재 $99,527 97로 보고되었으며 24시간 상승률은 4 17%입니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that BTC has broken through $99,500 and is now reported at $99,527 97, with a 24-hour increase of 4 17% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
윤석혁 대통령이 6시간 후 긴급 계엄령을 해제한 후 한국의 코스피 지수는 1 97% 하락했습니다
South Korea s KOSPI index fell 1 97 percent after President Yoon Seok-hyuk lifted emergency martial law six hours later
QCP는 공식 채널에 올린 글에서 BTC가 최근 9만 7천 달러 이상으로 올랐다가 다시 9만 5천 달러 이상으로 떨어졌다고 밝혔습니다 이번 철수는 미국 정부
QCP said in a post on its official channel that BTC recently rose above $97,000, but then fell back above $95,000 The pullback coincided with
QCP 于官方频道发文表示,BTC 近期上涨至 97,000 美元以上,但随后回落至 95,000 美元上方。此次回调恰逢美国政府转移与 Silk Road 相关的 10,000 枚 BTC(在转移时价
시장에 따르면 BTC는 96,000달러를 돌파했으며 현재 96016 97달러로 24시간 하락한 1 56%를 기록하고 있습니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
The market shows that BTC has broken through $96,000 and is now quoted at $96016 97, with a 24-hour decline of 1 56% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control