Whale erictao.sol은 평균 0.24달러에 740만 하이퍼를 구입했습니다.
Onchain Lens 모니터링에 따르면 거대한 고래 주소 erictao sol은 176만 USDT로 740만 HYPER를 구입했으며 평균 구매 가격은 0 24달러였습니다
Onchain Lens 모니터링에 따르면 거대한 고래 주소 erictao sol은 176만 USDT로 740만 HYPER를 구입했으며 평균 구매 가격은 0 24달러였습니다
According to Onchain Lens monitoring, the giant whale address erictao sol purchased 7 40 million HYPER with 1 76 million USDT, with an average purchase price of $0 24
Onchain Data Nerd에 따르면 14시간 전에 주소 0x97d의 Binance에 19,000대의 AAV(약 648만 달러)가 입금되었습니다 7개월 전, 그는 평균 가격 82 44달러에
According to Onchain DataNerd, 19,000 AAVs (approximately $6 48 million) were deposited into Binance at address 0x97d 14 hours ago Seven months ag
According to The Data Nerd, 9 days ago, an address exchanged $148,000 for 13 18 million BUTTHOLE on SOL After 3 days, he added 6 59 million t
According to The Data Nerd, 9 days ago, an address exchanged $148,000 for 13 18 million BUTTHOLE on SOL After 3 days, he added 6 59 million t
The Data Nerd에 따르면 두 개의 스마트 머니 주소가 RAI를 모았고 둘 다 막대한 수익을 올렸습니다 0xfAd는 192,000 RAI에 66,000달러를 교환했으며, 이
According to The Data Nerd, two smart money addresses have amassed RAI and both have reaped huge profits 0xfAd exchanged $66,000 for 192,000 RAI
The Data Nerd에 따르면, 한 주소는 $ APY가 출시된 지 2초 후에 44 55 SOL(약 9,800달러)을 2,369만 APY에 교환했습니다 그리고 나서 그는 그것을 모두
According to The Data Nerd, an address exchanged 44 55 SOL (about $9,800) for 23 69 million APY 2 seconds after the $APY was released He then sold it all for $749,000, making a profit of $739,000 (76 times)
1월 4일 Onchain Lens 모니터링에 따르면 내부자로 의심되는 사람의 주소는 3시간 이내에 FOCAI를 거래하여 1,168달러를 347만달러로 변경했습니다 주소는 P
On January 4th, according to Onchain Lens monitoring, an address of a suspected insider turned $1,168 into $3 47 million by trading FOCAI within
On January 4th, according to the monitoring of @ai_9684xtpa, a giant whale address is suspected of clearing 18 30 million PHAs in the past 9 mo
On January 4th, according to the monitoring of @ai_9684xtpa, a giant whale address is suspected of clearing 18 30 million PHAs in the past 9 mo
Arkham의 모니터링에 따르면 약 3시간 전에 회색 릴리스는 700 BTC 또는 약 6,794만 달러를 표시되지 않은 주소로 전송했습니다
According to Arkham s monitoring, about 3 hours ago, grey release transferred 700 BTC, or about $67 94 million, to unmarked addresses
새로 만들어진 주소는 660만 달러 상당의 코인베이스 프라임에서 19,000대의 AAV를 인출했습니다
A newly created address has withdrawn 19,000 AAVs from Coinbase Prime, worth $6 60 million
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, since yesterday, the three giant whale addresses have accumulated SWARMS worth 3 245 million dollars, which has now surpassed 1 326 million dollars
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, since yesterday, the three giant whale addresses have accumulated SWARMS worth 3 245 million dollars, which has now surpassed 1 326 million dollars