중국 인민해방군 남부극장은 황옌 섬의 영해, 영공 및 주변 지역에 위치하고 있습니다.#} 12월 29일, 중국 인민해방군 남부극장은 중국 황옌
On December 29th, on December 29th, the Southern Theater of the Chinese People& 039;s Liberation Army organized naval and air forces to carry out com
On December 29th, on December 29th, the Southern Theater of the Chinese People& 039;s Liberation Army organized naval and air forces to carry out com
On December 29th, on December 29th, the Southern Theater of the Chinese People& 039;s Liberation Army organized naval and air forces to carry out com
On December 20th, local time on the 20th, according to the Russian "Mash" news website, the Ukrainian armed forces used a number of missiles eq
On December 20th, local time on the 20th, according to the Russian "Mash" news website, the Ukrainian armed forces used a number of missiles eq
이스라엘 군 대변인: 이스라엘군은 시리아 남부의 5개 마을에 추가 공지가 있을 때까지 거주자들에게 집에 머물 것을 촉구하며 경고했습니다
Israeli army spokesperson: The Israeli army has issued a warning to five towns in southern Syria, urging residents to stay at home until further notice
AP 통신에 따르면 시리아군은 시리아에서 세 번째로 큰 도시이자 중요한 중심 도시인 홈스를 방어하기 위해 남부 다라와 수웨이다 지방에서 철수했다 <br>
According to the Associated Press: Syrian troops have withdrawn from the southern provinces of Daraa and Suweida to deploy troops to defend Homs,
한국 계엄군은 국회에 침입하여 회의에 참석한 의원들을 체포하려고 했습니다 (CCTV 뉴스)
The South Korean martial law army tried to break into the parliament and arrest the lawmakers who attended the meeting (CCTV News)
한국군은 질서를 유지하기 위해 의회에 들어갔다 (CCTV 국제 뉴스)
South Korean troops entered parliament to maintain order (CCTV international news)
이스라엘군은 휴전을 준수해야 하는 이스라엘의 "남은 의무 "를 강조하면서 레바논의 수십 개의 헤즈볼라 목표물을 공격했다고 말했습니다
The Israeli military said it had struck dozens of Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, while stressing Israel s "remaining obligation " to honour the ceasefire
11월 30일, 현지 시간 11월 30일, 이스라엘 방위군은 정보 정보를 바탕으로 이스라엘이 시리아-레바논 국경 교차로 근처에서 무기를 밀반입하기 위해 헤즈볼
On November 30, local time on November 30, the Israel Defense Forces issued a statement saying that the Israeli army, based on intelligence info
On November 23, the North Korean Ministry of National Defense warned the United States and its followers on November 23 to immediately stop furt
On November 23, the North Korean Ministry of National Defense warned the United States and its followers on November 23 to immediately stop furt
On November 19, according to Ukrainian media reports, on November 19 local time, Ukrainian forces used the US Army Tactical Missile System (ATACM
On November 19, according to Ukrainian media reports, on November 19 local time, Ukrainian forces used the US Army Tactical Missile System (ATACM