빈센트 베센트 미 재무장관은 지난 9월 연방준비제도이사회(FRB)의 금리인하가 너무 컸다고 거듭 강조했습니다.#} 빈센트 베센트 미 재무장관은
US Treasury Secretary Vincent Bescent reiterated that the Federal Reserve& 039;s interest rate cut in September last year was too large He revealed t
US Treasury Secretary Vincent Bescent reiterated that the Federal Reserve& 039;s interest rate cut in September last year was too large He revealed t
US Treasury Secretary Vincent Bescent reiterated that the Federal Reserve& 039;s interest rate cut in September last year was too large He revealed t
시장 소식통에 따르면, 트럼프는 젤렌스키 대통령을 만나기 위해 스콧 베센트 재무장관을 우크라이나로 보내겠다고 말했습니다 트럼프는 전쟁이 끝나야 하고 곧 끝날 것이라고 말했습니다
According to market sources, Trump said he would send Treasury Secretary Scott Bescent to Ukraine to meet with President Zelensky Trump said the war must end and it will end soon
US Treasury secretary Scott Bescent said he had personally vetted Treasury employees on Elon Musk& 039;s government efficiency team who had read-only a
US Treasury secretary Scott Bescent said he had personally vetted Treasury employees on Elon Musk& 039;s government efficiency team who had read-only a
US Treasury Secretary Scott Bescent is now acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to people familiar with the matter,
US Treasury Secretary Scott Bescent is now acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to people familiar with the matter,
미국 상원 재무 위원회는 Scott Bessant의 재무장관 지명을 확정하기로 투표했으며, 그를 상원 전체로 보내 검토했습니다
The US Senate Finance Committee has voted to confirm Scott Bessant s nomination as Treasury Secretary, sending him to the full Senate for consideration
워렌은 1월 12일자 공개 서한에서 스콧 베센트 전 재무장관에게 재무부가 암호화폐 산업을 제재할 수 있는 더 많은 권한을 가져야 하는지 물었습니다 "AML
In an open letter dated January 12, Warren asked former Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent whether the Treasury Department should have more authorit
코인텔레그래프에 따르면, 트럼프의 재무장관 후보인 스콧 베센트는 그가 50만 달러의 비트코인 ETF를 소유하고 있다고 밝혔습니다
According to Cointelegraph, Trump s candidate for Treasury secretary, Scott Bessent, has revealed that he owns a $500,000 Bitcoin ETF
AXIOS 웹사이트는 재정적자를 GDP의 3%로 줄이고 연간 3%의 경제성장을 달성하며 국내 석유 생산량을 하루 300만배럴씩 늘리는 스콧 베센트 미 재무장관 후
The AXIOS website analyzes that the core economic agenda of US Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bescent "3 3 3" policy approach, which is to redu
도널드 트럼프 대통령 당선인에 의해 미 재무장관으로 지명된 후 첫 인터뷰에서 스콧 베센트는 트럼프의 감세를 전달하는 데 정책 초점이 맞춰질 것이라고
In his first interview since being nominated by President-elect Donald Trump to be US Treasury secretary, Scott Bescent said his policy focus wou
도널드 트럼프가 스콧 베산트를 미국 재무장관에 임명했습니다 "스콧은 세계 최고의 국제 투자자이자 지정학적, 경제적 전략가 중 한 명으로 널리 존경 받고
Donald Trump has appointed Scott Bessant as US Treasury secretary "Scott is widely respected as one of the world& 039;s leading international investors