07 January 비트코인 ETF가 흡수하는 BTC의 양은 12월 광부의 거의 3배입니다. Apollo와 BiTBO의 평균 데이터에 따르면 US Spot Bitcoin ETF는 12월에 무려 51,500 BTC를 흡수했고 광부들은 그 달에 거의 14,000 BTC를 생산했습니다 US Spot Bitcoin ETF의 구매량은 광부의 거의 3배였습니다
07 January The amount of BTC absorbed by the Bitcoin ETF is almost three times that of miners in December According to the average data from Apollo and BiTBO, the US Spot Bitcoin ETF absorbed a whopping 51,500 BTC in December, while miners produced
28 August 미국 증시에서 42개 상장사의 BTC 보유액이 200억 달러로 증가했다.#} 비트보 데이터에 따르면 42개 상장사가 335,249개의 비트코인을 According to Bitbo data, 42 listed companies hold 335,249 bitcoins, increasing in value to $20 billion According to investment manager Nickel Dig
28 August The value of BTC holdings in 42 listed companies in the US stock market has increased to $20 billion According to Bitbo data, 42 listed companies hold 335,249 bitcoins, increasing in value to $20 billion According to investment manager Nickel Dig