07 February 아침 뉴스 2월 7일 밤사이 중요한 발전 목록 21:00-7:00 키워드: DeepSeek, 대화형 브로커, Alexey Pertsev, Ondo 파이낸스 1 DeepSeek: 가상화폐를 발행한 적이 없습니다 2 Berachain Foundation: BERA
07 February Morning News List of important developments overnight on February 7 21:00-7:00 Keywords: DeepSeek, Interactive Brokers, Alexey Pertsev, Ondo Finance 1 DeepSeek: has never issued any virtual currency 2 Berachain Foun
06 February 盈透证券:待监管明确后考虑上线 Solana 交易 据 DEGEN NEWS 披露,盈透证券(Interactive Brokers)高管 Milan Galik 在财报会议上表示,该平台目前主要提供比特币、以太坊、稳定币和比特币现金四种加密货币交易。由于
23 December 분석가: 비트코인과 암호화폐 관련 주식의 투기적 호황은 2025년에 가라앉을 것 같지 않습니다. 인터랙티브 브로커의 수석 전략가인 Steve Sosnick은 2024년 비트코인과 암호화폐 관련 주식을 휩쓸었던 투기적 광풍이 새해에 가라앉을 것 같지 않다고 말
23 December Analysts: The speculative boom in bitcoin and crypto-related stocks is unlikely to subside in 2025 Steve Sosnick, chief strategist at Interactive Brokers, said the speculative frenzy that swept bitcoin and crypto-related stocks in 2024 was unlike
12 December 인터랙티브 브로커 회장: 비트 코인을 보유하는 것이 좋습니다 인터랙티브 브로커의 회장은 사람들이 비트코인을 가지고 있는 것이 좋지만 너무 많지는 않다고 말했습니다
12 December Interactive Brokers Chairperson: It is recommended to hold some bitcoin The chairperson of Interactive Brokers said that it is recommended that people hold some bitcoin, but not too much
27 November 중개인의 가격 전쟁이 다시 시작되었습니다. 신규 계좌는 "10,000" 수수료를 받고 있으며 ETF 금융 금리는 3.99%까지 낮습니다. 11월 27일, 일반적으로 수수료율은 "1만"으로 낮아졌고, ETF 금융 금리는 3 99%로 낮아졌고, 증권 회사는 "가격 전쟁"을 시작했습니다 현재 개인 투자자가
27 November Brokers' price war is back: new accounts enjoy "10,000" commissions, and ETF financing rates are as low as 3.99% On November 27th, the commission rate was generally reduced to "10,000", the ETF financing rate was as low as 3 99%, and the brokerage company
30 October 캔터는 비트코인 채굴기 HIVE에 "과체중" 등급을 부여하고 가격 목표를 9달러로 설정합니다. {#중개업체 캔터가 발표한 조사에 따르면 비트코인 HIVE Digital, a bitcoin miner, is expected to double its hashrate to 13 EH s next year from 5 5 EH s today, according to research published by
30 October Cantor gives bitcoin miner HIVE an "overweight" rating and sets its price target at $9 HIVE Digital, a bitcoin miner, is expected to double its hashrate to 13 EH s next year from 5 5 EH s today, according to research published by
24 July 브로커 캐나코드가 비트코인 채굴기 아이리스 에너지의 가격 목표를 15달러로 상향 조정했습니다.#}브로커 캐나코드는 화요일 연구노트에서 아이리스 Broker Canaccord said in a research note on Tuesday that Iris Energy (IREN) is on track to become one of the most efficient and largest public
24 July Broker Canaccord has raised its price target for bitcoin miner Iris Energy to $15 Broker Canaccord said in a research note on Tuesday that Iris Energy (IREN) is on track to become one of the most efficient and largest public