09 June Slow Mist Cosine: CEX users were maliciously knocked to steal millions of dollars of assets again Slow Mist founder Cosine posted on the X platform that he had received another incident in which a user& 039;s CEX account was maliciously robbed of
07 June 바이낸스 코인 채굴 프로젝트io.net 1,812만 BNB와 19억 5천만 FDUSD 이상을 입금했습니다. 바이낸스 뉴코인 채굴 55단계 프로젝트 io net 누적 BNB 1812만 명, FDUSD 19억5000만 명, 더블풀 누적 참여자 수는 15만8000명을 넘어섰다 현재 채굴 종료 후 3일 16시간입니다
07 June Binance Coin mining project io.net has deposited over 18.12 million BNB and 1.95 billion FDUSD Binance New Coin Mining Phase 55 project io net has accumulated 18 12 million BNB and 1 95 billion FDUSD, and the cumulative number of participants in the double pool exceeds 158,000 people It is currently 3 days and 16 hours from the end of mining