Data: 73% of ETH investors are still profitable
According to AdaFiy On Chain, the current ETH price is hovering around $2,995, 73% of ETH investors are still profitable, the recent lower suppo
According to AdaFiy On Chain, the current ETH price is hovering around $2,995, 73% of ETH investors are still profitable, the recent lower suppo
据AdaFiy On Chain披露数均显示,目前ETH价格徘徊在2995美元左右,73%的ETH投资者仍处于盈利状态,最近的较低支撑区域是2340美元水平,3250美元和4170美元是进一步阻力区,因此
The market shows that ETH broke through $3,100 and is now reported at $3,100 24, with an intraday increase of 2 63% The market fluctuates greatly Please do a good job in risk control
行情显示,ETH突破3100美元,现报3100 24美元,日内涨幅达到2 63%,行情波动较大,请做好风险控制。
코인베이스의 선임 소프트웨어 엔지니어인 Yuga eth는 소셜 미디어 게시물에서 바이든이 폴리 마켓에서 민주당 후보가 될 가능성이 오늘 아침 45%에서 현재 74%로 급증했다고 말했습니다
Yuga eth, a senior software engineer at Coinbase, said in a social media post that Biden s chances of becoming the Democratic nominee at Polymarket have skyrocketed from 45% this morning to 74% now
Coinbase高级软件工程师yuga eth在社交媒体发文表示,拜登成为民主党候选人的机会Polymarket从今天早上的45%飙升至现在的74%。
시장에 따르면 ETH는 3,000달러를 넘어섰고 현재 3,000 21달러로 하루 중 0 87% 상승했습니다 시장이 크게 변동합니다 위험 통제를 잘 해주세요
The market shows that ETH has exceeded $3,000 and is now reported at $3,000 21, an increase of 0 87% during the day The market fluctuates greatly Please do a good job in risk control
行情显示,ETH突破3000美元,现报3000 21美元,日内涨幅达到0 87%,行情波动较大,请做好风险控制。
SSV Network는 이 계약에서 1,000,000개 이상의 ETH가 약속되었다고 발표했습니다
SSV Network 宣布目前已有超过 1,000,000 枚 ETH 质押在该协议之中。
SSV Network announced that more than 1,000,000 ETH have been pledged in the agreement
Scopescan에 따르면 가장 똑똑한 money eth는 ETH가 8% 하락하기 전에 6,400 ETH(1,940만 달러)를 Binance에 입금했습니다
According to Scopescan, smartestmoney eth deposited 6,400 ETH ($19 4 million) into Binance before ETH fell 8%
据Scopescan监测,smartestmoney eth在ETH下跌8%之前向Binance存入了6,400 ETH(1,940万美元)。
According to Certik monitoring, the PancakeBunny attacker deposited 1002 ETH (about 2 90 million US dollars) into the Tornado cash on Sunday DeFi
시장에 따르면 ETH는 3,000달러를 초과했으며 현재 3001 55달러로 매일 0 17% 하락하고 있습니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
据Certik监测显示,周日PancakeBunny攻击者将1002 ETH(约290万美元)存入Tornado cash。DeFi收益聚合器PancakeBunny于2021年5月遭闪电贷攻击事件,被利用约4500万美元,漏洞者地
According to Certik monitoring, the PancakeBunny attacker deposited 1002 ETH (about 2 90 million US dollars) into the Tornado cash on Sunday DeFi