Smartestmoney.eth deposits 6,400 ETH to Binance before ETH falls
According to Scopescan, smartestmoney eth deposited 6,400 ETH ($19 4 million) into Binance before ETH fell 8%
According to Scopescan, smartestmoney eth deposited 6,400 ETH ($19 4 million) into Binance before ETH fell 8%
据Scopescan监测,smartestmoney eth在ETH下跌8%之前向Binance存入了6,400 ETH(1,940万美元)。
According to Certik monitoring, the PancakeBunny attacker deposited 1002 ETH (about 2 90 million US dollars) into the Tornado cash on Sunday DeFi
시장에 따르면 ETH는 3,000달러를 초과했으며 현재 3001 55달러로 매일 0 17% 하락하고 있습니다 시장은 변동성이 있으니 리스크 관리를 잘해 주세요
据Certik监测显示,周日PancakeBunny攻击者将1002 ETH(约290万美元)存入Tornado cash。DeFi收益聚合器PancakeBunny于2021年5月遭闪电贷攻击事件,被利用约4500万美元,漏洞者地
According to Certik monitoring, the PancakeBunny attacker deposited 1002 ETH (about 2 90 million US dollars) into the Tornado cash on Sunday DeFi
行情显示,ETH突破3000美元,现报3001 55美元,日内跌幅达到0 17%,行情波动较大,请做好风险控制。
The market shows that ETH has exceeded $3,000 and is now quoted at $3001 55, with a daily decline of 0 17% The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control
시장에 따르면 ETH는 2900달러로 반등했고, 현재 2900 89달러로 보고되었으며, 하락폭은 4 63%로 좁혀졌습니다 시장 변동은 위험 통제를 잘하십시오
The market shows that ETH rebounded to $2900, now reported at $2900 89, the decline narrowed to 4 63%, the market fluctuations, please do a good job in risk control
行情显示,ETH回升至2900美元,现报2900 89美元,日内跌幅收窄至4 63%,行情波动较大,请做好风险控制。
온체인 분석가 Ember는 주소가 2시간 전에 Kraken으로 7,240 ETH(2,144만 달러)를 이전했으며 판매로 1,278만 달러(+148%)의 이익을 얻었을 것이라고 모니터링
链上分析师余烬监测,一地址在2小时前将7,240枚ETH(2144万美元)转进Kraken,卖出将获利1278万美元(+148%)。 他持有这些ETH已有一年半的时间:他是在2022年底以1,195美元的价
On-chain analyst Ember monitored that an address transferred 7,240 ETH ($21 44 million) into Kraken 2 hours ago, and the sale would have made a
온체인 분석가 @ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 30분 전에 스마트 테스트 머니 eth는 6440 ETH를 바이낸스로 재충전했는데, 이는 1,954만 달러 상당이었습니다
According to on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, half an hour ago smartestmoney eth recharged 6440 ETH to Binance, worth 19 54 million dollars
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,半小时前smartestmoney eth向Binance充值了6440枚ETH,价值1954万美元。
공식 데이터에 따르면 유동성 스테이킹 플랫폼 리도가 약속한 총 ETH 금액은 9,754,244 ETH로 약 $29,273,442,113의 가치가 있습니다 또한 현재 리도는 약
据官方数据,流动性质押平台Lido的ETH质押总量为9,754,244 ETH,价值约29,273,442,113美元,此外,截至目前,Lido已支付的质押奖励为529,546 ETH,价值约1,589,220,010美元。
According to official data, the total amount of ETH pledged by liquidity staking platform Lido is 9,754,244 ETH, worth approximately $29,273,442,113 Additionally, as of now, Lido has paid out 529,546 ETH, worth approximately $1,589,220,010