• 34ºc, Sunny

Crude oil futures continued to rise, with the main contract for low-sulfur fuel oil rising by nearly 3%, the main contract for SC crude oil and fuel oil rising by nearly 2%, and the main contract for liquefied petroleum gas rising by nearly 1%.

Crude oil futures continued to rise, with the main contract for low-sulfur fuel oil rising by nearly 3%, the main contract for SC crude oil and fuel oil rising by nearly 2%, and the main contract for liquefied petroleum gas rising by nearly 1%

연료 출시 포인트 프로그램

이더리움의 모듈식 실행 레이어 Fuel은 포인트 프로그램을 시작합니다 조기에 참여하는 사용자는 메인넷 출시 후 더 많은 포인트와 잠재적으로 추가 인센티

Fuel 推出积分计划

以太坊模块化执行层 Fuel 推出积分计划。早期参与用户将获得更多积分,并有可能在主网发布后获得额外的激励和更高的忠诚度奖励。目前符合该计划资格的资产:ETH、WETH、eETH、rs