12 July 미국 국회의원들은 나이지리아 정부가 바이낸스 경영진을 즉각 석방할 것을 촉구하는 결의안을 제안합니다.#} 미국 하원의원 Rich McCormic U S Congressmen Rich McCormick and French Hill have submitted a resolution to the U S House of Representatives urging the Nigerian government to
12 July US lawmakers propose resolution urging the Nigerian government to immediately release Binance executives U S Congressmen Rich McCormick and French Hill have submitted a resolution to the U S House of Representatives urging the Nigerian government to
12 July 美议员提出敦促尼日利亚政府立即释放币安高管的决议案 美国国会议员Rich McCormick和French Hill已向美国众议院提交敦促尼日利亚政府立即释放Tigran Gambaryan(币安的犯罪合规主管)的决议案。该决议案敦促美国政府利用一切可用资
04 July 바이든은 선거 결의를 재확인했습니다. 아무도 저에게 선거를 그만두라고 강요하지 않습니다. 조 바이든 대통령과 그의 측근들은 수요일 당내의 탈퇴 압력을 거부하며 재선 운동을 계속하겠다고 천명하면서 국회의사당과 민주당 최고위층의 증가하는 불
04 July Biden reaffirms his campaign resolve: No one is forcing me to quit the election President Joe Biden and his top aides sought to calm growing anxiety among his allies on Capitol Hill and top Democrats as he vowed on Wednesd
26 June 하원 금융위원회 부위원장이 나이지리아에 억류된 바이낸스 경영진을 미국으로 돌려보내는 방안을 추진했다.#} 프렌치 힐 하원 금융위원회 부위원장이 French Hill, the vice chairperson of the House Financial Services Committee, is spearheading a push to repatriate Tigran Gambaryan, a Binance exec
26 June The Vice Chairperson of the House Financial Services Committee has led a push to return Binance executives detained in Nigeria to the United States French Hill, the vice chairperson of the House Financial Services Committee, is spearheading a push to repatriate Tigran Gambaryan, a Binance exec