Grey released 4,381 ETH from Coinbase Prime in the last 10 hours
Arkham data shows that grey release addresses have received about 4,381 ETH from Coinbase Prime in the past 10 hours, equivalent to about $14 79 million
Arkham data shows that grey release addresses have received about 4,381 ETH from Coinbase Prime in the past 10 hours, equivalent to about $14 79 million
According to lookonchain, 10 hours ago, the BlackRock (iShares) Ethereum ETF wallet received 76,669 ETH ($262 40 million) from Coinbase Prime According to BlackRock s official website, it currently holds 79,699 ETH ($277 million)
Coinglass 데이터에 따르면 지난 1시간 동안 전체 네트워크 청산은 1억 1,200만 달러, 그 중 다중 단일 청산은 1억 8,800만 달러, 빈 단일 청산은 398만 3,600만 달러입니다
According to Coinglass data, in the past 1 hour the whole network liquidation 112 million dollars, of which multiple single liquidation 108 million dollars, empty single liquidation 3 9836 million dollars
데이터에 따르면 지난 24시간 동안 전체 네트워크가 1억 7천 9백만 달러를 청산했으며, 그 중 여러 싱글이 1억 4천 2백만 달러를 청산했으며, 빈 싱글이
체인 분석가 @ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 3시간 전에 주소 0xaa5 583BC는 지난 5개월 동안 평균 0 43만 달러의 가격으로 Binance에 재충전되며 378
The data shows that in the past 24 hours, the whole network liquidated 179 million dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 142 million doll
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, three hours ago, address 0xaa5 583BC will be in the past five months at an average pr
Ember Monitor에 따르면 고래 한 마리가 지난 11시간 동안 Binance에서 555 BTC(372만4000달러)를 모금했으며 지난 13일 동안 평균 63,883달러에 855 BTC(54
According to Ember Monitor, a whale has raised 555 BTC ($3 724 million) from Binance in the last 11 hours, and he has hoarded 855 BTC ($5 462
시장에 따르면 KLAY는 지난 2시간 동안 6% 이상 하락했으며 현재 0 1419달러에 거래되고 있습니다 시장은 불안정하니, 위험 통제를 잘 해주세요 앞서 한국
The market shows that KLAY has fallen by more than 6% in the past two hours and is now trading at $0 1419 The market is volatile, please do
7월 22일 Geniidata 데이터에 따르면 Runes 프로토콜 활동이 지난 24시간 동안 급증하여 전체 비트코인 거래의 73 71%를 차지했습니다
On July 22, Geniidata data revealed that Runes protocol activity has skyrocketed in the past 24 hours, accounting for 73 71% of all bitcoin transactions
Coinglass 데이터에 따르면 지난 1시간 동안 전체 네트워크 청산은 7090만 5천 달러였으며 그 중 다중 단일 청산은 6694만 9천 달러, 빈 단일 청산은 395만 5천 달러였습니다
According to Coinglass data, in the past 1 hour the whole network liquidation 70 9025 million dollars, of which multiple single liquidation 66 9429 million dollars, empty single liquidation 3 9595 million dollars
데이터에 따르면 룬은 24시간, 거래량은 157만 달러, 24시간, 25 26% 감소했습니다 룬의 총 시장 가치는 10억 9천만 달러, 24시간, 1 93% 증가했습니다 그
The data shows that the rune 24 hours, the transaction volume is 1 57 million dollars, 24 hours, a decline of 25 26%; the total market value o
체인 분석가 @ai_9684xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 지난 2시간 동안 WazirX 해커 주소가 0x35fe 주소로 전송되었습니다 745CA 8010억 달러 SHIB(도난당한 SHI
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the past two hours WazirX hacker address has been transferred to the address 0x35fe 745