22 February Justin Sun: Safety is a "top-notch project", we must always be vigilant and lear On February 22nd, Justin Sun, global consultant of Huobi HTX and founder of TRON, shared his deep insights into the security of exchanges in "I
22 February Justin Sun: Safety is a "top-notch project", we must always be vigilant and learn forever On February 22nd, Justin Sun, global consultant of Huobi HTX and founder of TRON, shared his deep insights into the security of exchanges in "I
19 February Sun Yuchen: AI와 블록체인의 결합은 큰 잠재력을 가지고 있으며 곧 DeepSeek을 기반으로 한 AI 제품을 출시할 예정입니다. 2월 19일, 후오비 HTX의 글로벌 어드바이저이자 TRON의 창립자인 저스틴 선(Justin Sun)이 "대중을 위한 DeFi 잠금 해제: 세계 자유 금융 및 TRON과의 대
19 February Sun Yuchen: The combination of AI and blockchain has great potential and will soon launch AI products based on DeepSeek On February 19, Justin Sun, global advisor of Huobi HTX and founder of TRON, was invited to attend the roundtable forum of the Hong Kong Conse
18 February HTX DAO 앰배서더 몰리: HTX가 기부하고 파괴한 9,522만 달러는 분산형 거버넌스를 강화할 것입니다. 2월 18일, HTX DAO 앰배서더 몰리(Huobi HTX Sixth Master)는 Twinkle, HTX DAO 및 OpenZK가 공동 주최한 "Golden Star 공유: Big & 039;Potentient& 039; Voice"를
18 February HTX DAO Ambassador Molly: $95.22 million donated and destroyed by HTX will strengthen decentralized governance On February 18, HTX DAO Ambassador Molly (Huobi HTX Sixth Master) was invited to attend a private session on the theme of "Golden Star Sharing:
13 February Justin Sun will be invited to attend the 2025 Hong Kong Consensus Conference and On February 13, according to official news, Justin Sun, global consultant of Huobi HTX and founder of TRON, will be invited to attend the Conse
13 February Justin Sun will be invited to attend the 2025 Hong Kong Consensus Conference and give a keynote speech On February 13, according to official news, Justin Sun, global consultant of Huobi HTX and founder of TRON, will be invited to attend the Conse
05 February Li Lin은 Sun Yuchen의 질문에 대답했습니다. 배송에 자본 구멍이 없으며 홍콩 법률 채널을 통해 분쟁을 해결할 용의가 있습니다. 후오비 창업자 리린은 최근 HTX 배송 과정과 재정 상황에 대한 Sun Yuchen의 발언에 대한 답변을 발표했습니다 응답은 2022년 10월 HTX 배송 당시 사용
05 February Li Lin responded to Sun Yuchen's question: there is no capital hole in the delivery, and he is willing to resolve the dispute through Hong Kong legal channels Huobi founder Li Lin issued a response to Sun Yuchen& 039;s recent remarks on the HTX delivery process and financial situation The response said tha
19 September 2,999 BTC가 후오비 주소에서 1억 8,700만 달러 이상의 알려지지 않은 지갑으로 전송되었습니다. Whale Alert에 따르면 2,999 BTC가 Huobi 주소에서 알 수 없는 지갑으로 전송되었으며 약 $187,638,472의 가치가 있습니다
19 September 2,999 BTC transferred from Huobi address to an unknown wallet worth over $187 million According to Whale Alert, 2,999 BTC were transferred from the Huobi address to an unknown wallet, worth approximately $187,638,472
13 September 후오비 창업자 Li Lin의 가족 사무실인 Avenir Capital은 5억 달러의 암호화폐 양적 펀드를 설립했습니다. 9월 12일 후오비 창업자 리린의 가족 사무소인 Avenir Capital은 펀드 규모 5억 달러(약 5억 원)의 1단계 펀드 Avenir Crypto의 암호화폐 양적 펀드를 설립했습니다
13 September Huobi founder Li Lin's family office Avenir Capital established a $500 million crypto quantitative fund of funds On September 12, Avenir Capital, the family office of Li Lin, founder of Huobi, established a crypto quantitative fund of funds Avenir Crypto, with the first phase of the fund size 500 million US dollars