16 June Farcaster: Warpcast has no plans for international expansion Dan Romero, co-founder of Farcaster, responded on social media to comments by users "hoping that the core of Warpcast is not just English users"
13 June 피델리티 인터내셔널: 연방준비제도이사회는 올해 금리를 인하하지 않을 수도 있습니다. Fidelity International의 글로벌 매크로 및 전략적 자산 할당 책임자인 Salman Ahmed는 올해 금리인하가 없다는 기본 사례를 강조했습니다 분석가는 "인플
13 June Fidelity International: The Federal Reserve may not cut interest rates this year Salman Ahmed, global head of macro and strategic asset allocation at Fidelity International, highlighted his base case for no rate cuts this year