29 June Linea TVL rebound has now surpassed ZKSync Era to rank fifth in L2 lock-up volume According to l2beat data, Linea TVL rebounded and rose At the time of writing, it reached $1 26 billion, an increase of 3 76% in the past sev
29 June Linea TVL反弹现已超越ZKSync Era升至L2锁仓量排名第五 据l2beat数据显示,Linea TVL出现反弹上涨,本文撰写时达到12 6亿美元,过去七日涨幅3 76%,目前已经反超ZKSync Era升至L2锁仓量排名第五,后者TVL为12 2亿美元,过去七日降幅10
23 June 660,000 ETH 이상의 Linea 메인넷 브리지 Dune 데이터에 따르면 Linea 메인 네트워크는 664,523 ETH로 연결되었으며 트랜잭션 수는 1,141,771개, 대화형 주소 수는 521,071개에 도달했습니다 L2BEAT
23 June Linea mainnet bridge to over 660,000 ETH According to Dune data, the Linea main network has been bridged to 664,523 ETH, the number of transactions reached 1,141,771, and the number of