23 January A user spent 1.83 SOL to buy 2148.9 million VINE, and has made a profit of $4.40 million According to lmk fun (formerly Scopescan) monitoring, a user spent 1 83 SOL (452 USD) on the Pump fun to buy 2148 9 million VINE at a market va
21 January 밈 광신자들은 체인 탐정이 은퇴를 이끌도록 했고, ZACHXBT 일방적 유동성은 1,800만 달러의 가치가 있었습니다. 1월 31일 lmk fun(구 스코페스칸) 모니터링에 따르면 형사 ZACHXBT가 직접 추가한 ZACHXBT 토큰 일방적 유동성은 현재 34095 SOL(818만 달러)을 포함해 1800
21 January Meme fanatics let the chain detective ushered in retirement, ZACHXBT unilateral liquidity has been worth 18 million dollars On January 31st, according to lmk fun (formerly Scopescan) monitoring, the ZACHXBT token unilateral liquidity added by the detective ZACHXBT himself
21 January Multiple whales are bottom fishing to buy TRUMP, investing a total of about $10 On January 21, according to lmk fun (formerly Scopescan) monitoring, multiple whales were bottom fishing to buy TRUMP Two hours earlier, one whal
21 January Multiple whales are bottom fishing to buy TRUMP, investing a total of about $10 million On January 21, according to lmk fun (formerly Scopescan) monitoring, multiple whales were bottom fishing to buy TRUMP Two hours earlier, one whal
20 January 트럼프 암호 프로젝트 WLFI는 470만 달러의 보유량을 증가시킵니다. 1월 20일, lmk fun(구 스코프스캔) 모니터링에 따르면, 트럼프 암호화 프로젝트 WLFI는 보유량을 1407 78 ETH(약 470만 달러)로 늘렸습니다
20 January Trump crypto project WLFI increases holdings of $4.70 million ETH On January 20, according to lmk fun (formerly Scopescan) monitoring, the Trump crypto project WLFI just increased its holdings of 1407 78 ETH (about 4 70 million dollars)
16 January 三个巨鲸今日共囤积57.72万枚SOL,价值约1.25亿美元 据 lmk fun 监测,三个巨鲸今日共囤积 577200 枚 SOL,价值约合 1 248 亿美元。 巨鲸 rxj4 从多个钱包中收到了 245,200 枚 SOL(价值 5,300 万美元),现在总共持
15 January 한 트레이더가 3,546만 AIXBT를 조기에 판매하여 잠재적 이익에서 거의 2,500만 달러를 놓쳤습니다. 1월 15일, lmk fun(구 스코프스캔)의 모니터링에 따르면, 2024년 11월 2일, 한 주소가 400달러에 3,546만 개의 AIXBT 토큰을 구입했습니다 현재 이 토큰의
15 January A Trader Sold 35.46 million AIXBTs Prematurely, Missing Nearly $25 million in Potential Profit On January 15, according to the monitoring of lmk fun (formerly Scopescan), on November 2, 2024, an address bought 35 46 million AIXBT tokens for
09 January 한 사용자가 새로운 Meme 코인을 훔치기 위해 1068 SOL 우선 비용을 지출했으며 3분 후 88,000달러의 손실로 창고를 정리했습니다. 1월 9일, lmk fun(구 스코프스캔)의 모니터링에 따르면, 한 사용자가 오늘 솔라나 거래에 대해 1068 SOL(약 206,000달러)의 우선 수수료를 지불했는데, 이는
09 January A user spent 1068 SOL priority fee to snipe new Meme coins, and cleared the warehouse at a loss of 88,000 dollars after three minutes On January 9th, according to the monitoring of lmk fun (formerly Scopescan), a user paid a priority fee of 1068 SOL (about 206,000 US dollars)
03 January 0xScope 공식 X 계정이 도난당했습니다. 의심스러운 링크를 클릭하지 마십시오 lmk fun(이전의 Scopescan)는 X 플랫폼에 Web3 지식 그래프 프로토콜 0xScope(@ScopeProtocolo)의 X 계정이 도난당했다는 알림을 게시했습니다 링크를 클릭하거나
03 January 0xScope official X account has been stolen, please do not click on suspicious links lmk fun (formerly Scopescan) posted a reminder on the X platform that the X account of Web3 Knowledge Graph Protocol 0xScope (@ScopeProtocol) has