According to Lookonchain, as the price of ETH falls, many whales are facing the liquidation of ETH deposited in Aave and Compound In the past 2 hours, three whales deposited 28,558 ETH (about $82 20 million) into Binance and sold it to pay off debt
Lookonchain에 따르면 주소가 4,215 ETH(1220만 달러)에서 삭제되었습니다 그리고 이제 그는 빚을 갚기 시작한 것으로 보입니다
Lookonchain에 따르면 Mt Gox는 또 다른 1,545 BTC(8487만 달러)를 Bitbank로 이전했습니다
According to Lookonchain, an address was cleared of 4,215 ETH ($12 20 million) And now he appears to have started paying off his debts
According to Lookonchain, Mt Gox transferred another 1,545 BTC ($84 87 million) to Bitbank
据Lookonchain监测,Mt Gox将另外1,545枚BTC(8487万美元)转移到Bitbank。
Lookonchain에 따르면 ETH 가격이 떨어지면서 컴파운드 사용자의 건강률이 1 02로 떨어졌습니다 그의 12,734 ETH(3877만 달러)는 청산을 앞두고 있습니다
According to Lookonchain, as the price of ETH has fallen, a user s health rate on Compound has dropped to 1 02 His 12,734 ETH ($38 77 million) is facing liquidation
据Lookonchain监测,随着ETH价格下跌,某用户在Compound上的健康率已降至1 02。他的12,734枚ETH(3877万美元)面临清算。
Lookonchain 모니터링에 따르면 7월 4일 미국의 현물 비트코인 ETF 데이터에 따르면 9개의 비트코인 ETF가 보유량을 총 609비트 코인으로 줄였으며, 이는 약 3,500만 달러에 해당합니다
According to Lookonchain monitoring, the US spot bitcoin ETF data on July 4 showed that 9 bitcoin ETFs reduced their holdings by a total of 609 bitcoins, worth about $35 million
Lookonchain 모니터링에 따르면 시장이 하락함에 따라 이더리움 고래 한 마리가 청산을 앞두고 있습니다 고래는 컴파운드에 12,734 ETH(4,000만 달러)를 예
据Lookonchain监测,随着市场下跌,某以太坊巨鲸即将面临清算,该巨鲸曾向Compound存入12,734枚ETH(4000万美元),并借出3140万美元的稳定币,健康率仅为1 06。当ETH跌至2,984美
According to Lookonchain monitoring, as the market falls, an Ethereum whale is about to face liquidation The whale has deposited 12,734 ETH ($40
According to Lookonchain, 10 hours ago, a whale deposited 900,000 WIF ($1 64 million) to Bybit, leaving 974,000 WIF ($1 76 million)
According to Lookonchain, 10 hours ago, a whale deposited 900,000 WIF ($1 64 million) to Bybit, leaving 974,000 WIF ($1 76 million)
据Lookonchain监测,10小时前,某鲸鱼向Bybit存入了90万WIF(164万美元),剩余97 4万WIF(176万美元)。