据Lookonchain监测,自6月24日以来,有93个新钱包从Binance提取1,275万LINK(1 67亿美元)。
据Lookonchain监测,自6月24日以来,有93个新钱包从Binance提取1,275万LINK(1 67亿美元)。
According to Lookonchain, 93 new wallets have withdrawn 12 75 million LINK (167 million USD) from Binance since June 24
Lookonchain 모니터링에 따르면 최근 두 개의 스마트 머니 주소가 총 2,242 MKR을 구입했습니다 0x3737로 시작하는 주소는 평균 2,476달러에 1,465개의 MKR(
According to Lookonchain monitoring, two smart money addresses recently purchased a total of 2,242 MKR: Addresses starting with 0x3737 bought 1,465
据Lookonchain监测,近期两个聪明钱地址共购买2242枚MKR: 0x3737开头地址以平均价格2,476美元购买了1,465枚MKR(约合363万美元),该地址之前以1,157美元的价格买入1,884枚MKR
Lookonchain monitors that since June 27, address 0x3737 has bought 1,465 MKR ($3 63 million) at an average price of $2,476 0x3737 previously bou
Lookonchain monitors that since June 27, address 0x3737 has bought 1,465 MKR ($3 63 million) at an average price of $2,476 0x3737 previously bou
Lookonchain에 따르면 독일 정부 지갑 주소는 지난 24일 동안 50,179 BTC(약 33억 달러 상당)를 모두 판매했습니다 주소는 지난 24시간 동안 9,594 BTC(5
据Lookonchain监测,在过去24天内,德国政府钱包地址已经出售所有50179枚BTC(价值约33亿美元)。该地址在过去24小时内转出9594枚BTC(5 537亿美元),并收到500枚BTC(2860万美元
According to Lookonchain, the German government wallet address has sold all 50,179 BTC (worth about $3 30 billion) in the past 24 days The addr
Lookonchain은 7월 12일 미국 현물 비트코인 ETF 데이터를 모니터링하여 다음과 같이 밝혔습니다 블랙록은 약 7,247만 달러의 가치가 있는 약 1252개의 비
Lookonchain 监测 7 月 12 日美国现货比特币 ETF 数据显示: 1、贝莱德增持约 1252 枚比特币,价值约 7247 万美元,当前持有 314204 枚比特币,价值约合 181 8
Lookonchain monitored the July 12 U S spot bitcoin ETF data and revealed that: BlackRock has increased its holdings of about 1252 bitcoins, worth
룩온체인에 따르면 Ether fi팀 관련 지갑으로 10분 전 바이낸스에 88만 ETHFI(187만 달러)가 입금됐다 이 지갑은 3개월 전 Ether fi팀 지갑에서 1000만 ETHFI(6520만 달러)를 받았다
According to Lookonchain, 880,000 ETHFI (1 87 million USD) was deposited into Binance 10 minutes ago by a wallet associated with the Ether fi team The wallet received 10 million ETHFI (65 20 million USD) from the Ether fi team wallet 3 months ago
据Lookonchain监测,10分钟前,与Ether fi团队相关的钱包向Binance存入了88万枚ETHFI(187万美元)。该钱包3个月前从Ether fi团队钱包收到了1000万枚ETHFI(6520万美元)。
Lookonchain에 따르면 지난 24시간 동안 독일 정부 지갑은 10,627 BTC(6억 1,530만 달러)를 전송하고 4,169 BTC(2억 3,960만 달러)를 받았습니다 독일 정부
According to Lookonchain, in the past 24 hours, the German government wallet transferred 10,627 BTC ($615 30 million) and received 4,169 BTC ($239
据Lookonchain监测,在过去24小时内,德国政府钱包转出10,627枚BTC(6 153亿美元),收到4,169枚BTC(2 396亿美元)。德国政府可能已出售6,458枚BTC(3 757亿美元),目前持有9,094枚BTC(5 2229亿美元)。