02 July 비트코인 채굴기는 지난 72시간 동안 2,300 BTC 이상을 판매했으며 이는 약 1억 4,500만 달러입니다.#} @ali_의 모니터링에 따르 According to the monitoring of @ali_charts, in the past 72 hours, bitcoin miners have sold more than 2,300 BTC, worth about 145 million dollars
02 July Bitcoin miners have sold over 2,300 BTC in the past 72 hours, which is about $145 million According to the monitoring of @ali_charts, in the past 72 hours, bitcoin miners have sold more than 2,300 BTC, worth about 145 million dollars
27 June ZKsync: 페이마스터 거래는 2월 이후 10배 증가했습니다. 6월 27일 ZKsync은 SNS에 Dune 데이터에 따르면 2월 이후 페이마스터 거래 건수가 10배 증가하여 현재 11576,214건에 머물고 있다고 게시했습니다
27 June ZKsync: Paymaster transactions have increased tenfold since February On June 27, ZKsync posted on social media that according to Dune data, the number of Paymaster transactions has increased tenfold since February, currently standing at 11,576,214