Zircuit has opened the ZRC airdrop application page and launched the first phase of the mainnet
On August 6th, according to the official announcement, Zircuit announced the official launch of the first phase of its mainnet The first season
On August 6th, according to the official announcement, Zircuit announced the official launch of the first phase of its mainnet The first season
8월 6일, 메커니즘 캐피탈의 공동 창업자인 Andrew Kang은 X 플랫폼에 시장이 긍정적인 이벤트 전에 할인을 제공하는 습관이 있는 것 같다고 썼습니다 강
On August 6th, Andrew Kang, co-founder of Mechanism Capital, wrote on the X platform that the market seems to have a habit of offering discount
X Daily News는 X에 Grok v2가 X 플랫폼(iOS 버전)으로 제공된다고 게시했습니다
지난 8월 6일 전직 레볼루트 경영진이 설립한 암호화폐 거래소 X10이 메인넷에서 라이브로 진행돼 스타크웨어의 스타크엑스 레이어-2 엔진에서 거래 결제가
X Daily News posted on X that Grok v2 is coming to the X platform (iOS version)
On August 6th, X10, a crypto exchange founded by former Revolut executives, went live on the mainnet, and trade settlement was carried out on S
8월 6일, 미국 상장 의료 기술 회사인 셈러 사이언티픽은 600만 달러에 101개의 비트코인을 추가로 구입했다고 발표했습니다 2024년 5월 28일 비트코인 자
On August 6th, Semler Scientific, a US-listed medical technology company, announced that it has purchased an additional 101 bitcoins for $6 millio
8월 6일 Ark Invest Daily 자료에 따르면 ARK Invest는 ARKW 펀드를 통해 Coinbase 주식 13,003주, ARKK 펀드를 통해 Coinbase 주식 65,165주를 매입했으
On August 6th, according to Ark Invest Daily data, ARK Invest bought 13,003 shares of Coinbase through its ARKW fund and 65,165 shares of Coinbase through its ARKK fund, worth about $14 81 million at the closing price of $189 47 on the same day
X 플랫폼의 DEGEN NEWS에 따르면 트럼프는 미국 정부가 암호화폐를 판매해서는 안 된다며 "매우 현대적인 통화 "라고 말했습니다
According to DEGEN NEWS on the X platform, Trump said that the US government should not sell cryptocurrencies, calling them "very modern currencies "
Vice President Harris, whose shortlist has been narrowed to Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro and Minnesota Governor Walz, is expected to announce her vice-presidential pick ahead of her first rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening, sources said
Vice President Harris, whose shortlist has been narrowed to Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro and Minnesota Governor Walz, is expected to announce her vice-presidential pick ahead of her first rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday evening, sources said
CNBC에 따르면 글로벌 시장 침체기에 비트코인의 실패는 세이프 헤이븐 이론에 다시 한 번 의문을 제기했습니다
According to CNBC, Bitcoin s fiasco during the global market downturn has once again called into question the safe haven theory
8월 5일 웨일스 마켓 설립자 덱스터는 X 플랫폼에서 성명을 발표하여 지난 이틀 동안 다수의 1, 2단계 CEX와 심도 있는 커뮤니케이션을 했다고 밝혔으며,
8월 5일, 골드만삭스의 전 임원이자 거시 리서치 회사인 Real Vision의 설립자인 Raoul Pal은 X 플랫폼에 결론을 내리기에는 너무 이르지만 개인적으로는
On August 5th, Whales Market founder Dexter released a statement on the X platform, revealing that he had in-depth communication with a number o