25 January NoOnes CEO는 1월 초에 회사가 보안 버그를 겪어 약 8백만 달러의 손실을 입었다고 확인했습니다. 피어투피어 암호화폐 거래 플랫폼 NoOnes의 CEO Ray Youssef는 NoOnes가 이달 초 약 800만 달러의 암호화폐 자산 손실을 초래한 보안 버그를 겪었다고 확
25 January NoOnes CEO confirms the company suffered security bugs in early January, causing losses of around $8 million Ray Youssef, CEO of peer-to-peer crypto trading platform NoOnes, has revealed that NoOnes has confirmed that it suffered a security bugs earlier
25 January NoOnes CEO证实公司在1月初遭遇安全漏洞,损失金额约合800万美元 据点对点加密交易平台 NoOnes 首席执行官 Ray Youssef 披露,NoOnes 已确认其本月早些时候遭遇了安全漏洞,导致约 800 万美元的加密资产损失。这一披露是在加密侦探 Zach
27 August Noones CEO: Binance는 이스라엘 방위군의 요청에 따라 모든 팔레스타인 자금을 압수했습니다. {#Noones의 CEO인 Ray Yo Ray Youssef, chief executive of Noones, said Binance had seized all Palestinian funds at the request of the IDF They refused to return the fun
27 August Noones CEO: Binance has seized all Palestinian funds at the request of the Israel Defense Forces Ray Youssef, chief executive of Noones, said Binance had seized all Palestinian funds at the request of the IDF They refused to return the fun