거대한 고래가 30분 전에 1,800 ETH를 더 샀습니다.
Lookonchain에 따르면 30분 전에 고래가 1,800 ETH(470만 달러)를 추가로 구입했습니다 고래는 5월 24일부터 37,800 ETH(9900만 달러)를 구입했으며 평균 구
Lookonchain에 따르면 30분 전에 고래가 1,800 ETH(470만 달러)를 추가로 구입했습니다 고래는 5월 24일부터 37,800 ETH(9900만 달러)를 구입했으며 평균 구
According to Lookonchain, 30 minutes ago, a whale bought another 1,800 ETH ($4 70 million) The whale has bought 37,800 ETH ($99 million) since May 24, with an average purchase price of $2,420 and an unrealized profit of $7 50 million
Whale Alert에 따르면, 10,000,028 USDT를 보유하고 있는 Tron 체인의 주소는 약 10,015,028 달러의 가치가 있는 동결되었습니다
According to Whale Alert, the address of a Tron chain holding 10,000,028 USDTs was frozen, worth approximately $10,015,028
8월 9일, 아일랜드 경찰이 더블린 북부에서 약 710만 달러(약 650만 유로) 상당의 암호화폐를 압수했다고 보도되었습니다 이번 작전은 다크웹 시장에서의
On August 9, it was reported that Irish police seized about 7 10 million dollars (about 6 50 million euros) worth of cryptocurrency in a raid i
이번 주 초에 제출된 77페이지 분량의 동의안에서, 망고 마켓의 개발자인 아브라함 & 039;아비& 039; 아이젠버그는 판사에게 사기 및 상품 관련 혐의를 철회하고 새로
In a 77-page motion filed earlier this week, Mango Markets developer Avraham& 039;Avi & 039;Eisenberg asked a judge to drop the fraud and commodity-related
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The United States is mulling a new proposal to establish the United States as a global leader in the digital economy by establishing a Bitcoin
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According to BBG, MicroStrategy co-founder Michael Saylor says he personally owns more than $1 billion worth of bitcoin
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Deribit Asia Pacific head of commerce Lin wrote that on Monday, Bitcoin ETF in high trading volume, not only did not have a net inflow, but t
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The sell-off in crypto assets is a rare test of an industry creed - that bitcoin is synonymous with "digital gold", so inclusion in an asset