28 August 바이낸스는 일부 계정만 제한됐다며 팔레스타인 사용자의 자금을 모두 압수했다는 보도를 부인했다.#} 8월 28일 코인텔레그래프에 따르면 P2P 암 On August 28, according to Cointelegraph, Ray Youssef, co-founder of P2P crypto platform Paxful and CEO of Noones P2P platform, revealed that cry
28 August Binance denied reports that it had seized all Palestinian users' funds, saying only a few accounts were restricted On August 28, according to Cointelegraph, Ray Youssef, co-founder of P2P crypto platform Paxful and CEO of Noones P2P platform, revealed that cry
28 August 币安否认其扣押所有巴勒斯坦用户资金的报道,称只有少数账户受到限制 8月28日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,P2P加密平台Paxful的联合创始人兼Noones P2P平台首席执行官Ray Youssef透露,加密交易所币安根据以色列的要求从巴勒斯坦用户手中扣押了加密
09 July Paxful 공동 설립자인 Artur Schaback은 미국 검찰과 유죄판결을 받았으며 최대 5년의 징역형을 받을 수 있습니다.#} Paxful Paxful co-founder and former head of technology Artur Schaback pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring to fail to maintain an effective anti-money lau
09 July Paxful联创始Artur Schaback与美国检察官达成认罪协议,或面临五年监禁 Paxful 联合创始人兼前技术主管Artur Schaback周一认罪,承认密谋在加密货币交易所未能维持有效的反洗钱(AML)计划,将面临最高五年的监禁。美国司法部7月8日表示,该交易所前
09 July Paxful co-founder Artur Schaback has reached a plea deal with US prosecutors and could face up to five years in prison Paxful co-founder and former head of technology Artur Schaback pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring to fail to maintain an effective anti-money lau