预测副总统Kamala Harris当选的概率升至19%
据预测市场Polymarket数据显示,预测拜登的当选概率今日为10%;预测特朗普当选概率为61%,预测副总统Kamala Harris当选概率升至19%。
据预测市场Polymarket数据显示,预测拜登的当选概率今日为10%;预测特朗普当选概率为61%,预测副总统Kamala Harris当选概率升至19%。
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 9% In comparison, Trump s probability of being elected is 61%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 9% In comparison, Trump s probability of being elected is 61%
According to the prediction market Polymarket information, Biden s election probability fell to 15% today, setting a new record low again, and Trump s election probability is currently 64%
According to the prediction market Polymarket information, Biden s election probability fell to 15% today, setting a new record low again, and Trump s election probability is currently 64%
암호화폐 예측 시장 플랫폼 폴리마켓에 따르면 바이든이 그만둘 확률은 55%로 사상 최고치를 기록했다
According to crypto prediction market platform Polymarket, the odds of Biden quitting are 55 percent, a record high
암호화폐 예측 시장 플랫폼 폴리마켓에 따르면, 카말라 해리스 부통령이 올해 민주당 대통령 후보가 될 확률은 화요일 31%로 이전의 7%보다 크게 올랐습니
根据加密预测市场平台Polymarket的数据,副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)成为今年民主党总统候选人的赔率在周二上涨至31%,从早些时候的7%大幅提升。同样,PredictIt平台
According to crypto prediction market platform Polymarket, the odds of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming this year& 039;s Democratic presidential nom
7:00-12:00 키워드: 폴리마켓, 웹3, 잠금 해제 1 이번 주 DYDX, SUI 및 IO 잠금 해제 총액은 약 8,450만 달러입니다 2 Raoul Pal: 그의 암호화폐 포트
7:00-12:00 Keywords: Polymarket, Web3, Unlocking 1 The total amount of DYDX, SUI and IO unlocks this week is about 84 50 million US dollars; 2
7:00-12:00关键词:Polymarket、Web3、解锁 1 本周DYDX、SUI、IO解锁额总计约8450万美元; 2 Raoul Pal:加密货币投资组合中的90%投资于SOL; 3 去中心化预测平台Pol
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 16%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 16%
Cryptocurrency gamblers on the online betting platform Polymarket have predicted that US President Joe Biden could drop out of the upcoming genera