Biden's chances of being elected hit a record low of 9%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 9% In comparison, Trump s probability of being elected is 61%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 9% In comparison, Trump s probability of being elected is 61%
According to the prediction market Polymarket information, Biden s election probability fell to 15% today, setting a new record low again, and Trump s election probability is currently 64%
According to the prediction market Polymarket information, Biden s election probability fell to 15% today, setting a new record low again, and Trump s election probability is currently 64%
암호화폐 예측 시장 플랫폼 폴리마켓에 따르면 바이든이 그만둘 확률은 55%로 사상 최고치를 기록했다
According to crypto prediction market platform Polymarket, the odds of Biden quitting are 55 percent, a record high
암호화폐 예측 시장 플랫폼 폴리마켓에 따르면, 카말라 해리스 부통령이 올해 민주당 대통령 후보가 될 확률은 화요일 31%로 이전의 7%보다 크게 올랐습니
根据加密预测市场平台Polymarket的数据,副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)成为今年民主党总统候选人的赔率在周二上涨至31%,从早些时候的7%大幅提升。同样,PredictIt平台
According to crypto prediction market platform Polymarket, the odds of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming this year& 039;s Democratic presidential nom
7:00-12:00 키워드: 폴리마켓, 웹3, 잠금 해제 1 이번 주 DYDX, SUI 및 IO 잠금 해제 총액은 약 8,450만 달러입니다 2 Raoul Pal: 그의 암호화폐 포트
7:00-12:00 Keywords: Polymarket, Web3, Unlocking 1 The total amount of DYDX, SUI and IO unlocks this week is about 84 50 million US dollars; 2
7:00-12:00关键词:Polymarket、Web3、解锁 1 本周DYDX、SUI、IO解锁额总计约8450万美元; 2 Raoul Pal:加密货币投资组合中的90%投资于SOL; 3 去中心化预测平台Pol
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 16%
Prediction market Polymarket posted on the X platform that Biden s probability of being elected hit a record low again at 16%
Cryptocurrency gamblers on the online betting platform Polymarket have predicted that US President Joe Biden could drop out of the upcoming genera
Cryptocurrency gamblers on the online betting platform Polymarket have predicted that US President Joe Biden could drop out of the upcoming genera
在线博彩平台Polymarket上的加密货币赌徒预测,美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)可能会因在与特朗普Donald Trump的辩论中表现不佳而退出即将到来的大选。赌徒们认为拜登退出的概率为38
조 바이든 미국 대통령의 선거 철회에 대한 베팅은 이제 분산형 예측 시장 플랫폼 폴리 마켓에서 700만 달러를 넘어섰습니다 2024년 미국 대선에서 도널