10 February 공화당 하원의원들은 2조 달러에서 2조 5천억 달러의 연방 지출 삭감을 추구합니다. 공화당 하원의원들은 연방 지출을 2조 달러에서 2조 5천억 달러로 줄이려고 하고 있습니다
10 February House Republicans seek $2 trillion to $2.50 trillion in federal spending cuts House Republicans are seeking to cut federal spending by $2 trillion to $2 50 trillion
05 February Punchbowl: US President Trump will attend the US "Super Bowl" this weekend According to Punchbowl, US President Donald Trump will attend the US "Super Bowl " this weekend (Jin Ten)
05 February Punchbowl: US President Trump will attend the US "Super Bowl" this weekend According to Punchbowl, US President Donald Trump will attend the US "Super Bowl " this weekend (Jin Ten)
20 January 펀치볼에 따르면 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인은 '마약 카르텔'을 '외국 테러리스트 조직'으로 등재할 예정이다. 펀치볼에 따르면 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인은 마약 카르텔 을 외국 테러리스트 조직 으로 등재한다
20 January According to Punchbowl, US President-elect Donald Trump will list "drug cartels" as "foreign terrorist organizations." According to Punchbowl, US President-elect Donald Trump will list "drug cartels " as "foreign terrorist organizations "
20 November 트럼프는 Lutnick을 상무장관에 지명할 것으로 예상됩니다. 시장 소식통에 따르면 PUNCHBOWL은 트럼프가 Lutnick을 상무장관에 지명할 것으로 예상된다고 밝혔습니다 앞서 하워드 루트닉은 트럼프의 주요 모금자이자 트
20 November Trump is expected to nominate Lutnick as commerce secretary According to market sources, PUNCHBOWL has revealed that Trump is expected to nominate Lutnick as Secretary of Commerce Previously, it was reporte
20 July 민주당 랜즈먼 의원은 바이든에게 다시는 출마하지 말라고 촉구했습니다.#} 미국 언론 펀치볼에 따르면 민주당 랜즈먼 하원의원은 바이든에게 다시는 According to US media Punchbowl, Democratic Congressman Landsman called on Biden not to run again
20 July Democratic Rep. Landsman calls on Biden not to run again According to US media Punchbowl, Democratic Congressman Landsman called on Biden not to run again