SBF: 저는 잘못 유죄 판결을 받았고, 유동성 문제를 스스로 계속 처리한다면 자금은 안전할 것입니다. {#FTX의 전 CEO이자 공동 설립자인
SBF, the former CEO and co-founder of FTX, told the New York Sun in a Brooklyn jail that he believes he was wrongfully convicted Saying his b
SBF, the former CEO and co-founder of FTX, told the New York Sun in a Brooklyn jail that he believes he was wrongfully convicted Saying his b
SBF, the former CEO and co-founder of FTX, told the New York Sun in a Brooklyn jail that he believes he was wrongfully convicted Saying his b
据 CoinDesk 报道,美国联邦法院详细列出了 SBF 因欺诈被审判并入狱前拥有的资产规模,以及美国政府如何迅速介入,没收了约 10 亿美元的金融资产和两架飞机。 美国纽约南
FTX 설립자 SBF가 사기 혐의로 유죄 판결을 받은 지 1년 후인 화요일, 미국 검찰은 SBF의 암호화폐를 압수하기 위해 뉴욕 법원에 소송을 제기했습니다
A year after FTX founder SBF was convicted of fraud, U S prosecutors filed a lawsuit in a New York court on Tuesday seeking to confiscate SBF
시장 뉴스에 따르면 전 FTX 임원이자 SBF 사건의 핵심 증인인 Nishad Singh가 선고를 앞두고 있습니다 전 FTX 집행관 Nishad Singh의 경우 미국 정부 검
According to market news, former FTX executive and key witness in the SBF case, Nishad Singh, is about to be sentenced It follows news that th
据市场消息,前 FTX 高管、SBF 案件的关键证人 Nishad Singh 即将宣判刑期。 此前消息,审理前 FTX 高管 Nishad Singh 一案的美国政府检察官已请求量刑法官考虑 Sin
neurodifferentiation 분야 전문 의사 8명은 최근 SBF에 찬성하는 아미쿠스 브리핑에서 SBF의 자폐 스펙트럼 장애(ASD) 진단과 주의력 결핍 과잉 행동 장애(A
Eight physicians specializing in the field of neurodifferentiation told the Second Circuit in a recent amicus brief in favor of SBF that SBF& 039;s d
8位专注于神经分化领域的医生在近日支持SBF的法庭之友简报中告诉第二巡回上诉法院,SBF被诊断患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)和注意力缺陷 多动障碍(ADHD),这“在此案的诉讼过程中构
9월 23일, 예측 시장 폴리 마켓은 SBF의 전 여자친구 캐롤라인 엘리슨이 복역하지 않을 가능성이 높다고 밝혔습니다 폴리 마켓은 그녀가 감옥에서 면죄부
On September 23rd, the prediction market Polymarket revealed that SBF& 039;s ex-girlfriend Caroline Ellison is likely not to serve her sentence It is
암호화폐 거래 플랫폼 FTX의 설립자인 SBF는 자신의 사건을 심리하는 판사가 자신에게 부당하게 편향되어 있다고 비난하며 새로운 재판을 위해 자신의 사기
加密交易平台 FTX 创始人 SBF 已正式对其欺诈罪名提出上诉,要求进行重新审判,并指责审理其案件的法官对他存在不公平的偏见。 去年 11 月,纽约陪审团判处 SBF 七项欺
SBF, the founder of crypto trading platform FTX, has formally appealed against his fraud charges for a new trial, accusing the judge hearing his
Lawyers for SBF& 039;s ex-girlfriend, former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison, have asked the court to consider the time she has already been inc
Lawyers for SBF& 039;s ex-girlfriend, former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison, have asked the court to consider the time she has already been inc
SBF의 전 여자친구인 Caroline Ellison의 변호사들은 SBF가 그들의 관계를 조작하는 방식에 대한 그녀의 많은 결정을 비난하면서 Caroline Ellison의 개인
Lawyers for SBF& 039;s ex-girlfriend Caroline Ellison have filed a 67-page memo detailing her cooperation with prosecutors and the FTX bankruptcy estate