Circle casts 250 million USDC on the Solana chain
According to Onchain Lens monitoring, Circle has now minted 250 million USDCs on the Solana chain, and has minted 8 billion USDCs so far this year
According to Onchain Lens monitoring, Circle has now minted 250 million USDCs on the Solana chain, and has minted 8 billion USDCs so far this year
According to Onchain Lens monitoring, Circle has now minted 250 million USDCs on the Solana chain, and has minted 8 billion USDCs so far this year
7:00-12:00 키워드: IRS, 테더, 솔라나 국세청은 목요일에 약 6,700명의 직원을 해고할 것이다 2 테더는 혁신적인 금융 솔루션인 TradeFi를 출시했습니다 3
7:00-12:00 Keywords: IRS, Tether, Solana The IRS will lay off approximately 6,700 employees on Thursday 2 Tether launched an innovative financing
7:00-12:00关键词:国税局 、Tether、Solana 1 美国国税局将于周四裁员约6700人; 2 Tether推出创新融资解决方案TradeFi; 3 美SEC自愿撤销对DeFi规则制定案的上诉; 4 S
2월 20일 솔라나 체인 밈 코인 PAIN은 X에 게시하여 이전에 약속한 대로 모금된 185,976 SOL 중 80%가 환불되었으며 블록 318346069(즉, PAINSALE 종료)
On February 20th, Solana chain Meme coin PAIN posted on X, saying that as previously promised, 80% of the 185,976 SOL raised has been refunded,
2 月 20 日消息,Solana 链 Meme 币 PAIN 于 X 发文表示,正如之前承诺的,所筹集的 185,976 枚 SOL 中的 80% 已经退款,在区块 318346069(即 PAINSALE 结束
Solana 체인 밈 코인 PAIN은 프로젝트가 이전에 약속한 대로 모금된 185,976 SOL 중 80%가 성공적으로 환불되었으며 블록 318346069(즉, PAINSALE 종료) 이
The Solana chain meme coin PAIN tweeted that, as the project previously promised, 80% of the 185,976 SOL raised has been successfully refunded,
크립토슬레이트에 따르면 솔라나의 연간 물가상승률은 지난 2월 12일 새로운 우선수수료 배분 메커니즘이 시행된 이후 30 5% 상승했다 하루 SOL을 태우는 양
According to CryptoSlate, annualized inflation in Solana has risen by 30 5% since the implementation of the new priority fee allocation mechanism
Coinbase는 Solana 네트워크에서 PYTH(Pyth Network)에 대한 지원을 추가할 것이라고 발표했습니다 유동성 조건이 충족되면 2025년 2월 20일 오전 9시(태평양
Coinbase has announced that it will be adding support for the Pyth Network (PYTH) on the Solana network Trading will begin on or after 9 a m
Live report, on February 19, at the conference of Consensus HK, Lily Liu, chairperson of Solana Foundation, said: PayFi& 039;s original vision was a
Live report, on February 19, at the conference of Consensus HK, Lily Liu, chairperson of Solana Foundation, said: PayFi& 039;s original vision was a
现场报道,2月19日,在Consensus HK的会议现场,Solana 基金会主席Lily Liu表示:PayFi最初的愿景是点对点的电子现金支付系统,但是目前其一直与交易同义,即用一个代币换另一个
암호화폐 분석가 알리에 따르면 솔라나 체인의 활성 주소 수는 2023년 11월 1,850만 개에서 현재 840만 개로 크게 줄어 54 6% 감소했습니다
According to crypto analyst Ali, the number of active addresses on the Solana chain has dropped significantly from 18 5 million in November 2023 to 8 4 million currently, a decrease of 54 6%