美国财长提名人Scott Bessent:预算赤字问题严重,支持美联储独立性
美国财政部长提名人Scott Bessent亮相参议院听证会,其警告称,如果2017年共和党减税措施的大部分内容在今年年底到期后不延长,美国将面临重创中产阶级和工薪阶层的经济危机。他
美国财政部长提名人Scott Bessent亮相参议院听证会,其警告称,如果2017年共和党减税措施的大部分内容在今年年底到期后不延长,美国将面临重创中产阶级和工薪阶层的经济危机。他
Scott Bessent, President-elect Donald Trump& 039;s nominee to be Treasury secretary, told a Senate finance committee nomination hearing that he saw "no
Scott Bessent, President-elect Donald Trump& 039;s nominee to be Treasury secretary, told a Senate finance committee nomination hearing that he saw "no
美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普提名的财政部长Scott Bessent在参议院财政委员会举行的提名听证会上表示,他认为美国“没有理由”拥有中央银行数字货币(CBDC)。他说:“我认为美国
워렌은 1월 12일자 공개 서한에서 스콧 베센트 전 재무장관에게 재무부가 암호화폐 산업을 제재할 수 있는 더 많은 권한을 가져야 하는지 물었습니다 "AML
In an open letter dated January 12, Warren asked former Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent whether the Treasury Department should have more authorit
코인텔레그래프에 따르면, 트럼프의 재무장관 후보인 스콧 베센트는 그가 50만 달러의 비트코인 ETF를 소유하고 있다고 밝혔습니다
According to Cointelegraph, Trump s candidate for Treasury secretary, Scott Bessent, has revealed that he owns a $500,000 Bitcoin ETF
According to the US political news website Politico, the Senate nomination hearing for Scott Bessent to serve as US Treasury Secretary is expecte
According to the US political news website Politico, the Senate nomination hearing for Scott Bessent to serve as US Treasury Secretary is expecte
자신의 그룹이 암호화폐 지점을 갖고 처음으로 디지털 자산 창출 소위원회 위원장을 맡겠다고 약속한 차기 공화당 상원 은행위원회 위원장 팀 스콧은 블록
Tim Scott, the incoming Republican chairperson of the US Senate banking committee, who promised his group would have a cryptocurrency branch and
即将上任的美国参议院银行委员会共和党主席Tim Scott在区块链协会政策峰会上发表讲话称:“在我看来,加密货币是世界下一个奇迹”。Tim Scott承诺他的小组将有一个加密货币分支
U S Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she had spoken with Trump s nominee for Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, to discuss the broad responsibilities of the Treasury Department
U S Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she had spoken with Trump s nominee for Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, to discuss the broad responsibilities of the Treasury Department
미국 상원 은행위원회 선임 위원인 팀 스콧 상원의원은 X 플랫폼에서 성명을 내고 오는 12월 11일 바이든 행정부 후보 지명에 반대한다는 입장을 밝혔습니
Senator Tim Scott, a senior member of the US Senate Banking Committee, issued a statement on the X platform, expressing his opposition to the u
美国参议院银行委员会资深成员 Tim Scott 参议员在 X 平台发表声明,对 12 月 11 日即将进行的拜登政府候选人提名审议表示反对。他认为,民主党在最后时刻推动总统拜登的
AXIOS 웹사이트는 재정적자를 GDP의 3%로 줄이고 연간 3%의 경제성장을 달성하며 국내 석유 생산량을 하루 300만배럴씩 늘리는 스콧 베센트 미 재무장관 후
The AXIOS website analyzes that the core economic agenda of US Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bescent "3 3 3" policy approach, which is to redu