四年前,美国前财政部长劳伦斯-萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)曾抨击美国财政和货币政策制定者过度刺激经济,导致一代人以来最大的通胀爆发风险。如今他再度警告说,价格压力有再次
四年前,美国前财政部长劳伦斯-萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)曾抨击美国财政和货币政策制定者过度刺激经济,导致一代人以来最大的通胀爆发风险。如今他再度警告说,价格压力有再次
Four years after former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers accused US fiscal and monetary policymakers of over-stimulating and potentially trigg
Four years after former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers accused US fiscal and monetary policymakers of over-stimulating and potentially trigg
서머스는 트럼프의 관세 정책이 경제 논리에 어긋나 생산자와 소비자의 가격 인상으로 이어질 것으로 보고 있다 <br><img src="https: img jin10 com new
Summers believes that Trump s tariff policy goes against economic logic and will lead to higher prices for producers and consumers < br > < img src = "https: img jin10 com news 25 01 7VSO9vsqmaZ3ZIpX7cigN png lite " referrerpolicy = "no-referrer " >
래리 서머스 전 재무장관은 인터뷰에서 트럼프의 관세는 경제 논리에 위배된다고 말했는데, 이는 소비자의 가격 인상과 미국 생산자의 투입 비용 인상을 의
Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers said in an interview that Trump& 039;s tariffs defy economic logic, meaning higher prices for consumers and muc
빌 클린턴 밑에서 재무장관을 지낸 로렌스 서머스는 트럼프 대통령이 "[금리]가 크게 내려가는 것을 보고 싶다"고 공개적으로 밝힌 것은 "쉽게 역효과를 낼
Lawrence Summers, who served as Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, argued that Mr Trump& 039;s public statement that he "wants to see [interest r
Lawrence Summers, a Democrat and former US Treasury secretary, has dismissed the idea of a US government reserve of bitcoin assets and warned of
Lawrence Summers, a Democrat and former US Treasury secretary, has dismissed the idea of a US government reserve of bitcoin assets and warned of
美国前财政部长、民主党人Lawrence Summers驳斥了关于美国政府设立比特币资产储备的想法,并警告称,按照“美国第一哥们”马斯克的计划,缩减联邦支出将面临政治挑战。 Lawrenc
Former US Treasury Secretary Summers said that if President-elect Trump follows through on his promises, the United States will once again experie
Former US Treasury Secretary Summers said that if President-elect Trump follows through on his promises, the United States will once again experie
전 재무장관인 서머스에 따르면, 인플레이션은 연방준비제도이사회가 향후 몇 년 동안 예상보다 덜 금리를 인하하도록 이끌 수 있다고 합니다 그는 "통화정
Inflation could lead the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates less than expected in the coming years, according to Mr Summers, the former Trea
서머스 전 재무장관은 8월 비농업부문 급여보고서가 특별히 나쁜 것은 아니지만, 연준이 이번 달에 금리를 얼마나 인하할지 예측하는 것이 더 어렵게 만들
Mr Summers, the former Treasury secretary, said that while the August non-farm payrolls report was not particularly bad, it did make it harder
서머스 전 미 재무장관은 연준이 2021년 물가 급등에 신속하게 대처하지 못해 통화정책 역사상 & 039;저점& 039;을 설정했지만 결국 경제를 바로잡는 데 충분했다고
Former US Treasury Secretary Summers said that although the Federal Reserve failed to act quickly to deal with the 2021 inflation surge, setting