07 March 예스코인 창업자 장치가 파트너십 분쟁으로 경찰에 구금돼 사건이 형사사건으로 격상됐다.#} 3월 7일 예스코인 공식 발표에 따르면 예스코인 설립자 On March 7th, according to the official announcement of Yescoin, Zhang Chi (Zoroo), the founder of Yescoin and an alumnus of Zhejiang University,
07 March Yescoin founder Zhang Chi was detained by the police due to a partnership dispute, and the case has been upgraded to a criminal case On March 7th, according to the official announcement of Yescoin, Zhang Chi (Zoroo), the founder of Yescoin and an alumnus of Zhejiang University,
20 July 텔레그램은 웹 3 페이지를 지원하는 미니 앱 스토어 및 인앱 브라우저를 시작합니다. 텔레그램은 Notcoin, Yescoin 및 Hamster Kombat와 같은 암호화 게임의 인기 게이트웨이가 되었습니다 텔레그램은 미니 앱스토어와 웹3 페이지를 지원하는 인
20 July Telegram launches mini app store and in-app browser with support for Web3 pages Telegram has become a popular gateway for crypto games such as Notcoin, Yescoin and Hamster Kombat Telegram has announced plans to strengthen it
20 July Telegram推出迷你应用商店和支持Web3页面的应用内浏览器 Telegram 已经成为 Notcoin、Yescoin 和 Hamster Kombat 等加密游戏的热门门户。Telegram 公布了加强区块链相关举措的计划,包括推出迷你应用商店和支持 Web3 页面的应用