Ethereum DApp trading volume rose by 36% in a week, but ETH price has not yet recovered
According to DappRadar, the volume of Ethereum decentralized applications (DApps) rose by 36% in the past week, mainly driven by decentralized exc
According to DappRadar, the volume of Ethereum decentralized applications (DApps) rose by 36% in the past week, mainly driven by decentralized exc
According to an Aug 29 post by Michael McDonough, chief economist of Bloomberg Financial Products, financial data and news service Bloomberg LP
퍼퍼 파이낸스가 최신 로드맵 업데이트를 발표했습니다 발표에 따르면 퍼퍼는 올해 4분기 초 토큰 생성 이벤트(TGE)를 진행해 거버넌스 토큰 PUFI를 출시할
Puffer Finance has released the latest roadmap update According to the announcement, Puffer plans to conduct a Token Generation Event (TGE) early
8월 29일, 파리 법원의 공식 웹사이트에 따르면, 텔레그램 CEO 파벨 듀로프는 소개 기소에 언급된 모든 범죄로 기소되었습니다 여기에는 다음이 포함됩니다
On August 29, according to the official website of the Paris court, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was indicted for all the crimes mentioned in the
시장 데이터에 따르면 NVIDIA의 미국 주식 시장 하락폭은 5% 가까이 하락한 후 시장 이전 1 5%로 좁혀졌습니다
According to market data, NVIDIA s US stock market decline narrowed to 1 5% before the market, after a decline of nearly 5%
온체인 분석가 Ember Monitor에 따르면 6월 27일부터 7월 8일까지 평균 60,113달러의 가격으로 7,790 BTC를 Binance로 이전했던 거대 고래 기관이 BTC를 다
According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitor, the giant whale institution that previously transferred 7,790 BTC to Binance at an average price of $
웹3 보안업체 블록에이드에 따르면 인페르노 배수구를 사용하는 Dpps는 2024년 7월 말까지 40,000개로 증가했습니다 블록에이드의 연구 개발 책임자인 Oz Ta
According to Web3 security firm Blockaid, the number of DApps using Inferno Drainer has increased to 40,000 by the end of July 2024 According
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the giant whale 0x8fA CA160 has taken out all the accumulated 5 64 million $ENA pledged
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the giant whale 0x8fA CA160 has taken out all the accumulated 5 64 million $ENA pledged
홍콩 사법당국은 앞서 정보와 분석을 바탕으로 이달 들어 Weige, Black Brain 및 Youxia라는 코드명의 자금세탁방지 작전을 시작했습니다 돈세탁 신디케이트
Ember에 따르면 지난 34시간 동안 고래 기관이 코인베이스에서 새로 만든 주소를 통해 14,008 ETH(~3564만 달러)를 평균 2,544달러에 구입했습니다 코인베이
Hong Kong law enforcement earlier launched an anti-money laundering operation code-named Weige, Black Brain and Youxia this month based on informat
According to Ember, in the past 34 hours, a whale institution purchased 14,008 ETH (~ $35 64 million) from Coinbase through a newly created address at an average price of $2,544 It deposited 13,000 ETH into Lido after withdrawing ETH from Coinbase
According to Forbes, Telegram founder Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland over a criminal complaint filed by his significant other I
According to Forbes, Telegram founder Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland over a criminal complaint filed by his significant other I