텔레그램 창시자 듀로프가 체포된 날, 그는 에마뉘엘 마크롱 프랑스 대통령과 만찬을 가질 계획이었다.#} 프랑스 신문 Canard Chain de
According to sources in the French newspaper Canard Chain de l& 039;Elysée, Telegram founder Durov told police that he was supposed to have dinner w
According to sources in the French newspaper Canard Chain de l& 039;Elysée, Telegram founder Durov told police that he was supposed to have dinner w
온체인 분석가 엠버 모니터링에 따르면, 바이비트와 FTX는 2021년 11월 초에 플랫폼 코인을 교환했습니다 바이비트는 1억 BIT를 FTX 336만 FTT로 교환했고,
According to sources in the French newspaper Canard Chain de l& 039;Elysée, Telegram founder Durov told police that he was supposed to have dinner w
According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitoring, ByBit and FTX exchanged platform coins in early November 2021: ByBit exchanged 100 million BIT for
온체인 분석가 Ember Monitor에 따르면 Alameda Research는 8월 8일 WLD 판매를 시작한 이후 20일 만에 총 698,000 WLD(1 13M)를 Binance에 이전했습니다
According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitor, Alameda Research has transferred a total of 698,000 WLDs ($1 13M) to Binance in 20 days since it st
실제 자산(RWA) 프로토콜인 온도 파이낸스가 8월 27일 블로그 게시물에 따르면 온도 달러 수익 토큰(USDY)에 대한 액세스를 이더리움의 레이어 2 스케일링
Ondo Finance, a real-world asset (RWA) protocol, is extending access to the Ondo dollar revenue token (USDY) to Ethereum& 039;s Layer 2 scaling networ
로이터 Ipsos 여론조사에 따르면 미국 유권자들은 해리스의 40%에 비해 43%로 트럼프의 경제 정책을 지지할 가능성이 더 높습니다 이 격차는 7월의 11% 포인트에서 감소했습니다
According to a Reuters Ipsos poll, U S voters are more likely to support Trump s economic policies, with 43 percent, compared with 40 percent for Harris The gap is down from 11 percentage points in July
체인 분석가 @ai_9694xtpa 모니터링에 따르면 Wintermute는 지난 30분 동안 Lido로부터 약 4940만 달러 상당의 19,000 ETH를 받았으며 현재 일괄적으로 Coinbase로 재충전 중입니다
According to the chain analyst @ai_9694xtpa monitoring, Wintermute received 19,000 ETH from Lido in the past half hour, worth about 49 40 million US dollars, and is currently recharging into Coinbase in batches
8월 27일 CNBC에 따르면 New World Wealth와 Henley & Partners의 보고서에 따르면 비트코인 교환 거래 펀드 및 기타 암호화폐 자산이 증가함에 따라 지
On August 27th, according to CNBC, according to a report by New World Wealth and Henley & Partners, the number of global crypto millionaires ha
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the ancient whale that built a position in ETH in 2016 is suspected to have sold 999 ET
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the ancient whale that built a position in ETH in 2016 is suspected to have sold 999 ET
According to on-chain analyst Ember, a whale transferred 8,825 ETH ($24 million) into Binance 8 hours ago, losing $3 96 million (-14%) The 8,825
According to on-chain analyst Ember, a whale transferred 8,825 ETH ($24 million) into Binance 8 hours ago, losing $3 96 million (-14%) The 8,825
비트코인 채굴 회사인 로듐 엔터프라이즈는 최대 1억 달러의 부채를 지고 미국 텍사스 남부 지방 파산 법원 11장에 따라 자발적 파산을 신청했습니다 8월
Bitcoin mining company Rhodium Enterprises has filed for voluntary bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U S Bankruptcy Court for the Southern Distr